books by subject
Physical Chemistry

Manipulation of Multiphase Materials for Touch-less Nanobiotechnology: A Pyrofluidic Platform (Springer Theses)

Colloidal Crystals of Spheres and Cubes in Real and Reciprocal Space (Springer Theses)

Growth, Dissolution and Pattern Formation in Geosystems

Rheophysics: Matter in all its States (Soft and Biological Matter)

The Quartz Crystal Microbalance in Soft Matter Research: Fundamentals and Modeling (Soft and Biological Matter)

Structural Classification of Minerals: Volume 2: Minerals with ApBqCrDs to ApBqCrDsExF: 11A (Solid Earth Sciences Library, 11A)

Computer Simulation of Biomolecular Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Applications: 3 (Computer Simulations of Biomolecular Systems, 3)

Risk Assessment of Chemicals: An Introduction

Encyclopedia of Geochemistry (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series)

The Discovery of Isotopes: A Complete Compilation

Structural Classification of Minerals: Volume I: Minerals with A, Am Bn and ApBqCr General Chemical Formulas: 11 (Solid Earth Sciences Library, 11)

Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation (Springer Reference)

Commentary on the Principles of Thermodynamics by Pierre Duhem: 277 (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 277)

Understanding Radioactive Aerosols and Their Measurement: 19 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 19)

Energy and the Environment: 15 (Environmental Science and Technology Library)

Structural Classification of Minerals: Volume 3: Minerals with ApBq...ExFy...nAq. General Chemical Formulas and Organic Minerals: 11B (Solid Earth Sciences Library, 11B)

Economic Geology of Natural Gas Hydrate: 9 (Coastal Systems and Continental Margins, 9)

Nuclear Geophysics: Applications in Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology, Agriculture and Environmental Science (Springer Geophysics)

Metals in Society and in the Environment: A Critical Review of Current Knowledge on Fluxes, Speciation, Bioavailability and Risk for Adverse Effects ... and Zinc: 8 (Environmental Pollution, 8)

Man-Made and Natural Radioactivity in Environmental Pollution and Radiochronology: 7 (Environmental Pollution, 7)

Heavy Metals in Soils

Laser - Surface Interactions

Atomic Particles and Atom Systems: Data for Properties of Atomic Objects and Processes: 51 (Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, 51)

Radioactive and Stable Isotope Geology

IUTAM Symposium on Physicochemical and Electromechanical, Interactions in Porous Media: 125 (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, 125)

Spectral Methods in Chemistry and Physics: Applications to Kinetic Theory and Quantum Mechanics (Scientific Computation)

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics in Multiphase Flows (Soft and Biological Matter)

The Structure of Ionic Liquids (Soft and Biological Matter)

Computer Treatment of Large Air Pollution Models: 2 (Environmental Science and Technology Library, 2)