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Physics Books for Young Adults

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Sound (Fascinating Science Projects)

By Searle, B

Fascinating Science Projects:Electricity & Magnets

By Hewitt, Sally, Ward, Catherine

Electricity (Where does it come from)

By Humphrey, Paul

Where Does It:Water (Where does it come from? Where does it go?)

By Humphrey, Paul, P

Water (Against the Elements S.)

By Richardson, Hazel

Against the Elements:Fire

By Ritchie, Nigel

It's Science:Hearing Sounds

By Hewitt, Sally

Machines We Use (It's Science)

By Hewitt, Sally

Solid, Liquid or Gas?: 11 (It's Science)

By Hewitt, Sally

Science Factory:Electricity and Batteries

By Richards

Science Factory:Magnetism & Magnets

By Richards, Jon

Rainbow Is A (You'd Never Believe)

By Taylor, Helen

Magnets (Sci. Experiment)

By Nankivell-Aston, S, Aston, Sally

Colour: 6 (Nature And Science)

By Taylor, Burton

Step-by-Step:Energy & Movement (Step-by-step Science)

By Oxlade

Hearing Sounds (It's Science!)

By Hewitt, Sally

Liquids in Action (Learning Through Art S.)

By Mellett, Rossiter

Sound, Noise and Music (Science Workshop)

By Seller, Mick

Magnetism (Science Workshop)

By Robson, Pam

Amazing Colours (Toppers)

By Baxter, Nicola

Sound Not Silence (Toppers)

By Baxter, Nicola

Hot or Not? (Toppers)

By Baxter, Nicola

Understanding Electricity (Science for Fun)

By Gibson, Gary

Weight (Knowabout)

By Pluckrose, Henry, Fairclough, Chris

Bridges (Lift Off)

By Richardson, Joy

Science Magic with Force

By Oxlade, Chris

Structures and Materials (Science Starters S.)

By Taylor, Barbara

Sound Waves to Music (Hands on Science)

By Ardley, Neil

New Energy Sources (Facts on)

By Johnstone, Hugh

Forces in Action (Simply Science S.)

By Whyman, Kathryn