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Assessment of the Lower Limb

By Linda M. Merriman, Linda Merriman, Warren Turner

Abnormal Postural Reflex Activity Caused by Brain Lesions

By Bobath, Berta

Clinical Governance and Best Value: Meeting the Modernisation Agenda, 1e

By Pickering M.Sc, Sharon, Thompson M.A., Jeannette

Skeletal Muscle: A Textbook of Muscle Physiology for Sport, Exercise and Physiotherapy: A Textbook of Muscle Physiology for Sport, Exercise, Physiotherapy and Medicine

By Jones, David; De Haan, Arnold; Round, Joan, David Jones, Arjan De Haan, Joan Round

Neuromusculoskeletal Examination and Assessment: A Handbook for Therapists with PAGEBURST Access, 4e (Physiotherapy Essentials)

By Nicola J. Petty

Physiotherapy in Orthopaedics: A Problem-Solving Approach, 2e

By Atkinson M.Sc, Karen, Coutts M.Sc, Fiona J., Hassenkamp M.Sc, Anne-Marie

Maitland's Vertebral Manipulation: Management of Neuromusculoskeletal Disorders - Volume 1, 8e

By Hengeveld MSc BPT OMT SVOMP, Elly, Banks BA MCSP SRP, Kevin

Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems: Adults and Paediatrics, 4e (Physiotherapy Essentials)

By Pryor PhD MBA MSc FNZSP MCSP, Jennifer A., Prasad GradDipPhys MCSP, Ammani S

Orthopedic Physical Assessment, 5e

By Magee PhD BPT, David J.

Neurological Rehabilitation: Optimizing Motor Performance

By Carr MA EdD (Columbia) FACP, Janet H., Shepherd MA EdD (Columbia) FACP, Roberta B.

Motor Control International Edition: Translating Research into Clinical Practice

By Anne Shumway-Cook, M Hines Woollacott

Clinical Reasoning for Manual Therapists

By Jones BSc(Psych) PT GradDipManipTher MAppSc, Mark A, Rivett BAppSc(Phty) GradDipManipTher MAppSc(ManipPhty) PhD, Darren A

Physiotherapy: A Psychosocial Approach

By French, Sally

Textbook of Neurology for Physiotherapists

By Cash, Joan E.

The Brompton Hospital Guide to Chest Physiotherapy

By Webber

Dyspnoea in Advanced Disease: A Guide to Clinical Management

By Booth, Sara, Dudgeon, Deborah

Clinical Skills in Treating the Foot

By David R. Tollafield, Merriman MPhil DPodM MCHS Cert, Linda M.

Physiotherapy in Respiratory Care: An evidence-based approach to respiratory and cardiac management: A Problem-Solving Approach

By Hough, Alexandra

Maitland's Peripheral Manipulation 4th Edn

By Hengeveld MSc BPT OMT SVOMP, Elly, Banks BA MCSP SRP, Kevin

Functional Anatomy of the Spine

By Alison Middleditch, Jean Oliver

Anatomy and Human Movement: Structure and Function (Physiotherapy Essentials)

By Palastanga MA BA FCSP DMS DipTP Professor, Nigel, Soames BSc(Human Biology) PhD(Human Sciences) Professor, Roger W., Field Grad Dip Phys FCSP DipTP SRP, Derek

Principles and Practice of Physical Therapy 4th Edition

By Arnould-Taylor, William E

Pain (Clinics in physical therapy)

By Echternach EdD PT, John L.

Atlas of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Anatomy

By Bradley, Mike

Cash's Textbook of Orthopaedics and Rheumatology for Physiotherapists

By Cash, Joan E., Downie, Patricia A.

Neurorehabilitation for Central Nervous System Disorders

By van der Brugge, Frans

The Soft Tissues: Trauma and Sports Injuries

By Lennox MBChB FRCS(Orth)(Ed), C. M. E., McLatchie MB ChB FRCS, Greg

Exercise for Aging Adults: A Guide for Practitioners

By Sullivan, Gail M., Pomidor, Alice K.

Clayton's Electrotherapy: 9/e

By Forester MCSP DipTP, Angela, Palastanga MA BA FCSP DMS DipTP Professor, Nigel, Forster, Palastanga

Principles of Exercise Therapy

By Gardiner, Mary Dena