books by subject
Plant Sciences

Plant Growth Regulators: Agricultural Uses

Improving Vegetatively Propagated Crops

Molecular Biology of Plant Viruses

Recent Advances in the Biochemistry of Fruits and Vegetables

Plant Breeding in the 1990s

The Biochemistry of Plants: A Comprehensive Treatise: v. 2: Metabolism and Respiration

Transport in Plants

The Biochemistry of Plants: A Comprehensive Treatise: v. 8: Photosynthesis

Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops

Transport in Plants II: Part B: Tissues and Organs

Photosynthesis, Photorespiration and Plant Productivity

Plants and Microclimate: A Quantitative Approach to Environmental Plant Physiology

Transport in Plants II: Part A: Cells

Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology: Intracellular Interactions and Transport Processes: 3

Stomatal Physiology

Structure and Function of Plant Genomes

Xylem Structure and the Ascent of Sap

Modelling Potential Crop Growth Processes: Textbook with Exercises

Population Biology of Plants


Mycoplasmas: v. 1: Cell Biology

Biosynthesis of Isoprenoid Compounds: v. 2

Gardening At Eden: And How To Do It At Home

Pocket Tutor Abdominal Imaging

The Biology of Fungi

Key Clinical Topics in Critical Care

Photosynthetic Systems: Structure, Function and Assembly

Plant Physiology

GGE Biplot Analysis: A Graphical Tool for Breeders, Geneticists, and Agronomists