books by subject
Poetry & Drama Criticism

Wakefield Pageants in the Towneley Cycle

The English Gardener

The New Pelican Guide to English Literature 3: From Donne to Marvell

Things To Do Now That You're Retired

The Story of My Heart: My Autobiography

Can't Be Arsed

Hadewijch: The Complete Works

The Restoration of Man: C.S. Lewis and the Continuing Case Against Scientism

Gorse Fires

Mann: Buddenbrooks

Dumb Britain: Bk. 2

The Life You Save May Be Your Own: An American Pilgrimage



The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation

Jacques Derrida

Criticism and Truth

Critical Essays

Reconstructing Literature

C.S.Lewis: The Man and His Achievement

Reason and Imagination in C.S. Lewis: A Study of "Till We Have Faces"

A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang

Thomas Hardy: Wessex Heights

The Meeting at Telgte


The Shadow of Ulysses

The H.G. Wells Reader: A Complete Anthology from Science Fiction to Social Satire

Shelley, M : Frankenstein

Warrior Lovers: Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality