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Poetry & Drama Criticism

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Erich Auerbach and the Crisis of German Philology: The Humanist Tradition in Peril

By Zakai, Avihu

Tracing Paradigms: One Hundred Years of Neophilologus

By Bremmer Jr, Rolf H., Porck, Thijs, Ruiter, Frans, Wilbers, Usha

To the Letter: A Journey Through a Vanishing World

By Simon Garfield

Classical Poetry 9-14

By Hackman, Sue, Shackleton, Jo

Making Stories: Law, Literature, Life

By Bruner, Jerome

Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350 (The Macat Library)


American Drama 1900 - 1990

By Shiach, Don

Physics, Volume I: Books 1-4 (Loeb Classical Library 228)

By Aristotle, Wicksteed, P. H., Cornford, F. M.

Selected Poems and Songs (Oxford World's Classics)

By Robert Burns, Robert P. Irvine

After Bourdieu: Influence, Critique, Elaboration

By Swartz, David L., Zolberg, Vera L.

The Continuum Encyclopedia of British Literature

By Serafin, Steven R., Myer, Valerie Grosvenor

Meanings & Co.: The Interdisciplinarity of Communication, Semiotics and Multimodality: 6 (Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress, 6)

By Olteanu, Alin, Stables, Andrew, Borţun, Dumitru

John Donne's Poetry: 0 (Norton Critical Editions)

By Donne, John, Dickson, Donald R.

The Poetical Works of Rupert Brooke: Edited by Geoffrey Keynes

By Rupert Brooke, Geoffrey Keynes

A Closer Look at "The Lord of the Rings"

By Smith, Mark Eddy

Be My Knife

By Grossman, David

A Companion to Plato's "Republic"

By White, Nicholas P.

The Theaetetus of Plato (Hackett Classics)

By Plato, M. J. Levett, Myles Burnyeat

The Death of Socrates: Hero, Villain, Chatterbox, Saint

By Emily Wilson

The Development of Logic

By Kneale, William and Martha

Illness As Metaphor And AIDS And Its Metaphors

By Sontag, Susan

The Wild Man Within: An Image in Western Thought from the Renaissance to Romanticism

By Dudley, Edward J.

Essays on Actions and Events

By Davidson, Donald

Emmanuel Levinas (Routledge Critical Thinkers)

By Hand, Sean

The Post-Colonial Studies Reader

By Ashcroft, Bill, Griffiths, Gareth, Tiffin, Helen

Caliban's Voice: The Transformation of English in Post-Colonial Literatures

By Ashcroft, Bill

Animal Minds and Human Morals: The Origins of the Western Debate: 54 (Cornell Studies in Classical Philology)

By Richard Sorabji

Reading Across Borders: Storytelling and Knowledges of Resistance (Comparative Feminist Studies)

By Stone-Mediatore, S.

Race and Ethnicity in Modern Britain (Oxford Modern Britain)

By Mason, David

Socrates: Fictions of a Philosopher

By Kofman, Sarah