books by subject
Poetry & Poets

A Preface to Wordsworth (Preface Books)

The Children's Book of Comic Verse
The Last Romantics

T.S.Eliot (New Readings Series)

Irish Poetry After Yeats

Ovid's 'Metamorphoses': A Reader's Guide (Reader's Guides)

Propertius, Tibullus and Ovid: A Selection of Love Poetry

New Women Poets

Hot Earth Cold Earth

The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson (Wordsworth Poetry Library)

Aeneid: Bk. 10 (Latin Texts)

Cypress Walk. Letters from Alun Lewis to Freda Aykroyd: Letters to 'frieda'

Selected Poems (Fyfield Books)

Elizabeth Barrett Browning: A Biography (Paladin Books)

Edmund Spenser: The Faerie Queene (Longman Annotated English Poets)

The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume I: 1848-1880: 1848-1880 v. 1 (Princeton Legacy Library)

A Preface to Pope (Preface Books)

John Milton (Longman Critical Readers)

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

A Student's Guide to Seamus Heaney (Faber Student Guide)

Faerie Queene: A Reader's Guide 2ed

Poetry as an Occupation and an Art in Britain, 1760-1830 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)

John Keats

General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales

Keats: Selected Poems (Everyman)

Poems And Prose (Everyman)

Barrett Browning: Selected Poems (Everyman)

Everyman's Book Of Victorian Verse: Pre-Raphaelites: Everyman Book Of Victorian Verse : Pre-Raphaelites: The Pre-Raphaelites to the Nineties

Selected Poems: The Brontes (Everyman)