books by subject
Political Economy

Asset Markets, Portfolio Choice and Macroeconomic Activity: A Keynesian Perspective

Mobilizing Resources in Latin America: The Political Economy of Tax Reform in Chile and Argentina

The Migration-Development Nexus: A Transnational Perspective

The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor

Europe and Asia: Regions in Flux

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of Malcolm Sawyer

ASEAN Industries and the Challenge from China

Perspectives on Rules of Origin: Analytical and Policy Insights from the Indian Experience

Wealth, Power, and the Crisis of Laissez Faire Capitalism

Multinational Enterprises in Latin America since the 1990s

Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy

Negotiating the Free Trade Area of the Americas

The Spanish Economy: A General Equilibrium Perspective

Regimes of Social Cohesion: Societies and the Crisis of Globalization

Markets, States, And Democracy: The Political Economy Of Post-communist Transformation

The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World

Silent Violence: Food, Famine, and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria

Commercial Agriculture, the Slave Trade and Slavery in Atlantic Africa

The Politics of the Environment: Ideas, Activism, Policy

Contours of the World Economy 1-2030 AD: Essays in Macro-Economic History

Economic Growth in the Third World: 1850-1980

Boundaries, Communities and State-Making in West Africa: The Centrality of the Margins

The Future of Capitalism: Facing the New Anxieties

Mercenaries: An African Security Dilemma

Enlightened Aid: U.S. Development as Foreign Policy in Ethiopia

Uganda: The Dynamics of Neoliberal Transformation

Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective

A Swamp Full of Dollars: Pipelines and Paramilitaries at Nigeria's Oil Frontier

Capital in the Twenty-First Century