books by subject
Political Economy

Political Economy and Christian Theology Since the Enlightenment: Essays in Intellectual History

Deepening Neoliberalism, Austerity, and Crisis: Europe's Treasure Ireland

The Industrial Policy Revolution II: Africa in the Twenty-first Century

Beyond Capital: Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class

Beyond Capital: Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class

The Global Assault on Teaching, Teachers, and their Unions: Stories for Resistance

Frontiers of Research in Intra-Industry Trade

European Union Budget Reform: Institutions, Policy and Economic Crisis

Neo-liberalism and AIDS Crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa: Globalization's Pandemic

The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance: International Political Economy meets Foucault

The Political Economy of East Asia: Regional and National Dimensions

Autonomy, Ethnicity, and Poverty in Southwestern China: The State Turned Upside Down

Holding-Together Regionalism: Twenty Years of Post-Soviet Integration

Can Latin America Compete?: Confronting the Challenges of Globalization

Governing Cotton: Globalization and Poverty in Africa

Industries and Globalization: The Political Causality of Difference

The CIS, the EU and Russia: Challenges of Integration

The Economics of Welfare

Globalization and Regionalization in Socialist and Post-Socialist Economies: Common Economic Spaces of Europe

Development, Civil Society and Faith-Based Organizations: Bridging the Sacred and the Secular

Competition Policy in the European Union

Re-reading Marx: New Perspectives after the Critical Edition

Reinventing Japan: From Merchant Nation to Civic Nation

Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part II, Austria, America and the Rise of Hitler, 1899-1933

Varieties of Capitalism in Spain: Remaking the Spanish Economy for the New Century

The Political Economy of Hemispheric Integration: Responding to Globalization in the Americas

Gendering the Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives

Civil Society Contributions to Policy Innovation in the PR China: Environment, Social Development and International Cooperation

Multinationals in Eastern Europe