books by subject
Political Economy

Childlessness in Europe: Contexts, Causes, and Consequences (Demographic Research Monographs)

Sequence Analysis and Related Approaches: Innovative Methods and Applications: 10 (Life Course Research and Social Policies, 10)

Low Fertility Regimes and Demographic and Societal Change

The New Arctic

Developmental Science and Sustainable Development Goals for Children and Youth: 74 (Social Indicators Research Series, 74)

Transformations in Research, Higher Education and the Academic Market: The Breakdown of Scientific Thought: 39 (Higher Education Dynamics, 39)

A Comparative Analysis of European Time Transfers between Generations and Genders (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

Social Protection and Social Development: International Initiatives (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

CEMAF as a Census Method: A Proposal for a Re-Designed Census and An Independent U.S. Census Bureau: 1 (SpringerBriefs in Population Studies)

Entrepreneurial and Innovative Practices in Public Institutions: A Quality of Life Approach (Applying Quality of Life Research)

World Suffering and Quality of Life: 56 (Social Indicators Research Series, 56)

Immigration Regulation in Federal States: Challenges and Responses in Comparative Perspective: 9 (International Perspectives on Migration, 9)

Ages, Generations and the Social Contract: The Demographic Challenges Facing the Welfare State

People, Population Change and Policies: Lessons from the Population Policy Acceptance Study Vol. 1: Family Change: 16/1 (European Studies of Population, 16/1)

State and Local Population Projections: Methodology and Analysis (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis)

Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change: 7 (Methodos Series, 7)

Spatial and Social Disparities: Understanding Population Trends and Processes: volume 2 (Understanding Population Trends and Processes, 2)

Fertility, Living Arrangements, Care and Mobility: Understanding Population Trends and Processes - Volume 1 (Understanding Population Trends and Processes, 1)

Africa's Population: In Search of a Demographic Dividend

Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa

The Explanatory Power of Models: Bridging the Gap between Empirical and Theoretical Research in the Social Sciences: 1 (Methodos Series, 1)

Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Self-initiated Expatriation: 16 (International Perspectives on Migration, 16)

Methods of Demographic Analysis

Consumer Demographics and Behaviour: Markets are People: 30 (The Springer Series on Demographic Methods and Population Analysis, 30)

Fertility of Immigrants: A Two-Generational Approach in Germany (Demographic Research Monographs)

Culture and Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener: 38 (Social Indicators Research Series, 38)

Inevitable Aging?: Contributions to Evolutionary-Demographic Theory (Demographic Research Monographs)

Supercentenarians (Demographic Research Monographs)

Assessing Well-Being: The Collected Works of Ed Diener: 39 (Social Indicators Research Series, 39)