books by subject
Political History & Theory

State of Failure: Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Unmaking of the Palestinian State

Democracy in America

Penguin Great Ideas : Common Sense

The 48 Laws Of Power

The End of Poverty: How We Can Make it Happen in Our Lifetime

Gender and Political Recruitment: Theorizing Institutional change

Social Movements and Their Technologies: Wiring Social Change

Social Theory of Fear: Terror, Torture, and Death in a Post-Capitalist World

The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of Central Asia

Modern Social Imaginaries

Fascism: A Very Short Introduction

Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies (with an Epilogue on Health Care), Updated Edition: Pearson New International Edition

The Invention of the Land of Israel: From Holy Land to Homeland

Psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power

Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-78

Fool's Gold?: Utopianism in the Twenty-First Century

Animals, Equality and Democracy

The State To Come

Second Treatise of Government (Hackett Classics)

The Republic

Augustine: Political Writings

Les Systemes Politiques Africains: Les Nouvelles Democraties