books by subject
Political Leader Biographies

Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency

Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln

Palmerston: The People's Darling

Hitler: A Study in Tyranny

Where Power Stops: The Making and Unmaking of Presidents and Prime Ministers

Hitler and Churchill: Secrets of Leadership

My Land and My People

Flying Free

Leadership: Lessons from a Life in Diplomacy

Barack Obama: The Movement for Change

Letters To My Grandchildren

A Message from Ukraine

Spider Woman: A Life - by the former President of the Supreme Court

Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940-45

Misinterpreting Modern Russia: Western Views of Putin and His Presidency

The Fall of Boris Johnson: The Award-Winning, Explosive Account of the PM's Final Days

Abraham Lincoln: pocket GIANTS

Off Whitehall: A View from Downing Street by Tony Blair's Adviser

My Husband and I: The Inside Story of 70 Years of the Royal Marriage

Back from the Brink: 1,000 Days at Number 11

In the Shadow of the Liberator: The Impact of Hugo Chavez on Venezuela and Latin America

The Real Iron Lady: Working with Margaret Thatcher: Working with Mrs T.

Hidden Power: Presidential Marriages That Shaped Our Recent History

Éamon de Valera: A Will to Power

The Kennedy Curse: The shocking true story of America’s most famous family

Remembering Sam: The Life and Times of Sam Galbraith

Livewire Real Lives: Stalin

Mugabe: Power, Plunder, and the Struggle for Zimbabwe's Future

The Ex Men: How Our Former Presidents and Prime Ministers Are Still Changing the World: How Our Former Presidents and Prime Ministers Are Still Running the World (Biteback Publishing)