books by subject
Political Science & Ideology

Political ideas for A Level: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Feminism, Anarchism

On Freedom

Where Did I Go Right?: How the Left Lost Me

Oxford Book of Welsh Verse in English

1984, Spring: A Choice of Futures

The Cubans: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times

Jews Don't Count

Introducing Sartre: A Graphic Guide

Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction

Rebel Footprints: A Guide to Uncovering London's Radical History

Value and the World Economy Today: Production, Finance and Globalization

Class, Surplus, and the Division of Labour: A Post-Marxian Exploration

A People Without a State: The Kurds from the Rise of Islam to the Dawn of Nationalism

Russian Revolution: Hope, Tragedy, Myths

Local Politics in Jordan and Morocco: Strategies of Centralization and Decentralization

Long Transition

Socialism and Development in Ethiopia: A Critical Examination of the Military Regime's Socialist Agricultural Program

Anarchism and Anarcho-syndicalism

New Lies for Old

How Can One Sell the Air?

Them: Adventures with Extremists: Secret Rulers of the World

Political Ideology in Britain (Contemporary Political Studies)

Business, Globalization and the Common Good

Partial Visions

Revolution and Class Struggle: Reader in Marxist Politics

Political Argument

Virtue and Politics: Alasdair MacIntyre's Revolutionary Aristotelianism

A Military History of Scotland

Right and Left: Essays on Dual Symbolic Classification