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Political Science

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By J. A. Thompson

The Rise of Candidate-centred Politics: Presidential Elections of the 1980's

By Martin Wattenberg

Post-Capitalist Society

By Peter F. Drucker

Disciplining Interdisciplinarity: Integration and Implementation Sciences for Researching Complex Real-World Problems

By Gabriele Bammer

Politics: A Very Short Introduction

By Kenneth Minogue (formerly Professor, Political Science, formerly Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science)

Failures of State: The Inside Story of Britain's Battle with Coronavirus

By Jonathan Calvert, George Arbuthnott

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak: Live Theory

By Professor Mark Sanders

Beyond Westminster: Finding Hope in Britain

By Paddy Ashdown

Barack Obama in his Own Words

By Lisa Rogak

Truth To Tell: Tell It Early, Tell It All, Tell It Yourself: Notes from My White House Education

By Lanny J. Davis

Defectors and the Liberal Party 1910-2010: A Study of Inter-Party Relationships

By Alun Wyburn-Powell

Who Donates in Campaigns?: The Importance of Message, Messenger, Medium, and Structure

By David B. Magleby (Brigham Young University, Utah), Jay Goodliffe (Brigham Young University, Joseph A. Olsen (Brigham Young University

Dead Again: The Russian Intelligentsia After Communism

By Masha Gessen

The Spirit of Solidarity

By Jozef Tischner, M.B. Zaleski, B. Fiore

Solidarnosc: The Missing Link? - The Classic Open Letter to the Party

By Jacek Kuron, Karol Modzelewski

Strangers and Friends: Franco-German Security Relationship

By Robbin F. Laird

Building a Resilient Tomorrow: How to Prepare for the Coming Climate Disruption

By Alice C. Hill (Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University), Leonardo Martinez-Diaz (Global Director of the Sustainable Finance Center, Global Director of the Sustainable Finance Center, Wor...

My Secret Brexit Diary: A Glorious Illusion

By Michel Barnier, Robin Mackay

Congress and the Presidency

By Nelson W. Polsby

Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case

By Hugo Adam Bedau (Professor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy, Tufts University (Emeritus)), Paul G. Cassell (Professor of Law, Professor of Law, University of Utah College of Law)

The Inequality of Wealth: Why it Matters and How to Fix it

By Liam Byrne

Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design

By Terry Winograd, Fernando Flores

Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity

By David Newman

Portugal in the European Union: Assessing Twenty-Five Years of Integration Experience

By Laura C. Ferreira-Pereira

War and Society in Revolutionary Europe, 1770-1870

By Geoffrey Best

Political Geography: World Economy, Nation-state and Locality

By Peter J. Taylor

Multilateral Diplomacy and the United Nations Today

By James P. Muldoon, Jr., Earl Sullivan, Joann Fagot Aviel, Richard Reitano

Political Geography in the Twentieth Century: A Global Analysis

By Peter J. Taylor

The French Right: From De Maistre to Maurras

By J. S. McClelland

Key Concepts in Development Geography

By Rob Potter, Dennis Conway, Ruth Evans, Sally Lloyd-Evans