books by subject
Political Structure & Processes

The Parliamentary State

US Elections and Voting Behaviour Advanced Topic Master (Advanced Topic Masters S.)

Where Power Lies: Prime Ministers v the Media

SuperHubs: How the Financial Elite and Their Networks Rule our World

What is Politics?

The Prince

A Very British Revolution: The Expenses Scandal and How to Save Our Democracy
Introducing Comparative Government

One Hand Tied Behind Us: The Rise of the Women's Suffrage Movement
Comparative Government: An Introduction

Understanding Liberal Democracy

Caricatures and the Constitution, 1760-1832 (The English satirical print, 1600-1832)

Back from the Brink: 1,000 Days at Number 11

Citizens, Experts, and the Environment: The Politics of Local Knowledge

America Unbound: The Bush Revolution in Foreign Policy

Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers

Shaping Constitutional Values: Elected Government, the Supreme Court, and the Abortion Debate (Interpreting American Politics)

Portraying the President: The White House and the News Media


American Politics - 2000 and beyond

John Major: Prime Minister

Contemporary Politics in the Middle East

State and Society in Western Europe

Politics and Propaganda Weapons of Mass Seduction

Understanding Us/Uk Government and Politics: A Comparative Guide (Understandings)

Understanding American Government and Politics (Understandings)

From Votes to Seats: The Operation of the UK Electoral System Since 1945

Us Politics Today (Politics Today (Paperback))

Theory and Reform in the Eu (Europe in Change)