books by subject
Politics & Philosophy

Suicide And Attempted Suicide (Pelican S.)

Alcoholism (Pelican S.)

The Ancient Greeks (Pelican)

The Psychology of Human Ageing

The Psychology of Interpersonal Behaviour (Pelican S.)

Dying (Pelican S.)

Main Currents in Sociological Thought,1: Montesquieu, Comte, Marx, Tocqueville: The Sociologists And the Revolution of 1848 (Pelican books)

The Making of the English Working Class (Pelican)

Guerrilla Warfare (Pelican S.)

Drugs: Medical,Psychological And Social Facts (Pelican S.)

Population Control (Pelican)

The Psychology of Superstition (Pelican S.)

Images of Deviance (Pelican)

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (Pelican S.)

The Eighteenth-Century Background: Studies in the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period (Pelican)

The Crisis of Psychoanalysis(Pelican)

Conflict in Man-Made Environment (Pelican S.)

Social Therapy in Psychiatry

Psychology is About People (Pelican S.)

Instead of Education: Ways to Help People do Things Better (Pelican S.)

Toward a New Psychology of Women (Pelican S.)

Prophecy And Progress: The Sociology of Industrial And Post-Industrial Society

Poverty in the United Kingdom: A Survey of Household Resources And Standards of Living (Peregrine Books)

The Third World Tomorrow: A Report from the Battlefront in the War Against Poverty (Pelican S.)

Sociology Reinterpreted: An Essay On Method And Vocation (Pelican)

Psychology of Interpersonal Behavior

Decline And Fall of the Freudian Empire

Post-War Britain: A Political History (Pelican S.)

Constitutional And Administrative Law (Pelican)