books by subject
Portrait Photography


The Beatles: Unseen

The Secret Life of the New Forest

Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting: Take Memorable Shots Every Time


The Commissar Vanishes: Falsification of Photographs and Art in the Soviet Union

Reflections and Visions (Jimi Hendrix S.)

Photographs, 1970-90

Yes We Can: Barack Obama's History-Making Presidential Campaign

The Bushmen

Francis Frith's Dorset Living Memories

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth...The Diamond Jubilee

Marky Mark

The North American Indian: The Complete Portfolios

Portrait Photography Selected from the Graphis Annuals


From Bodyshocks to Cybersex - A Photographic Archive of the New Flesh (Torture Garden)

Arthur Edwards' Magical Memories: The Greatest Royal Photographs of All Time

Photo 2: The Story Behind the Pictures (Icons Series)

Art of Posing, The: Professional Techniques for Digital Photographers (Pro Photo Workshop)

Queen Elizabeth II

Tete a Tete: Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson

Annabel Williams 99 Portrait Photo Ideas: Photographing People is 90% Psychology and 10% Technique (99 Photo Ideas)

Views On The Mississippi: The Photographs Of Henry Peter Bosse

South Africa: Magnificent Land

Burlesque and the Art of the Teese/ Fetish and the Art of the Teese

Contemporaries: Portraits

What Cats are: Photographs

Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit