books by subject
Primary Education

Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum

Primary Core National Curriculum

From Teacher to Middle Manager

Using Literacy to Develop Thinking Skills with Children Aged 7-11

Enhancing Practice through Classroom Research: A teacher's guide to professional development

Intuition or Evidence?: Teachers and National Assessment of Seven Year Olds

Book Bands for Guided Reading: Organising Key Stage One Texts for the Literacy Hour: 3

Contemporary Perspectives on Reading and Spelling

Supporting Pupils with Emotional Difficulties: Creating a Caring Environment for All

Teacher's Resources - Managing Writing

Phonics: Practice, Research and Policy

Plains Indians (Closer Look at S.)

Six Dinner Sid: KS1

Primary English: Knowledge and Understanding

Mathematics in the Primary School: A Sense of Progression

The Primary English Encyclopedia: The heart of the curriculum

Primary Mathematics: Knowledge and Understanding

Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher

Creative Science: Achieving the WOW Factor with 5-11 Year Olds

Teaching Synthetic Phonics

Creative Teaching: English in the Early Years and Primary Classroom

Learning to Teach Primary PE

Essential Primary Science: A Toolkit

Creative Approaches to Teaching Primary RE

All about Our World


Kenya (Letters from Around the World)

Primary Teacher's Reference Book of Metals

Supporting Literacy and Numeracy: A Guide for Learning Support Assistants