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Primary Education

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Play, Learning and the Early Childhood Curriculum

By Elizabeth Ann Wood, Jane Attfield

Primary Core National Curriculum

By David Coulby

From Teacher to Middle Manager

By Tranter, Susan

Using Literacy to Develop Thinking Skills with Children Aged 7-11

By Paula Iley

Enhancing Practice through Classroom Research: A teacher's guide to professional development

By Caitriona McDonagh, Mary Roche, Bernie Sullivan (St. Brigid's Girls' Senior School, Dublin, Ireland), Mairin Glenn

Intuition or Evidence?: Teachers and National Assessment of Seven Year Olds

By Caroline Gipps, etc., Margaret Brown, Bet McCallum, Shelley McAlister (Tutor in Social Science, Open University)

Book Bands for Guided Reading: Organising Key Stage One Texts for the Literacy Hour: 3

By Angela Hobsbaum

Contemporary Perspectives on Reading and Spelling

By Clare Wood (University of Coventry, UK), Vincent Connelly (Oxford Brookes University

Supporting Pupils with Emotional Difficulties: Creating a Caring Environment for All

By Rob Long, Jonathan Fogell

Teacher's Resources - Managing Writing

Phonics: Practice, Research and Policy

By Maureen Lewis, Susan J Ellis

Plains Indians (Closer Look at S.)

By Davis, Christopher

Six Dinner Sid: KS1

By Janet Perry, Inga Moore

Primary English: Knowledge and Understanding

By Jane A Medwell, George E Moore, David Wray, Vivienne Griffiths

Mathematics in the Primary School: A Sense of Progression

By Sandy Pepperell, Christine Hopkins, Sue Gifford, Peter Tallant

The Primary English Encyclopedia: The heart of the curriculum

By Margaret Mallett (Fellow of the The English Association, UK)

Primary Mathematics: Knowledge and Understanding

By Claire Mooney, Alice Hansen, Reg Wrathmell, Sue Fox, Lindsey Davidson

Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher

By Gina Donaldson (Canterbury Christ Church University, UK), Jenny Field (University of Greenwich, Dave Harries, Clare Tope, Helen Taylor

Creative Science: Achieving the WOW Factor with 5-11 Year Olds

By Rosemary Feasey

Teaching Synthetic Phonics

By Rhona Johnston, Joyce Watson

Creative Teaching: English in the Early Years and Primary Classroom

By Chris Horner

Learning to Teach Primary PE

By Ian Pickup, Lawry Price, Julie Shaughnessy, Jon Spence, Maxine Trace

Essential Primary Science: A Toolkit

By Alan Cross, Adrian Bowden

Creative Approaches to Teaching Primary RE

By Maggie Webster

All about Our World

By Melanie Rice, Chris Rice, Lesley Smith


By Rachel Anderson

Kenya (Letters from Around the World)

By Brownlie, Alison

Primary Teacher's Reference Book of Metals

By Roy Richards

Supporting Literacy and Numeracy: A Guide for Learning Support Assistants

By Glenys Fox, Marian Halliwell

Primary Science Equipment Handbook

By Rosemary Feasey