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Primary School Textbooks

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First Words - Non-fiction (Oxford Literacy Web)

By Bentley, Diana

Hear: 17 (Get Set Go)

By Thomson, Ruth, Hachette Children's Books

How My Body Works

By Knowles, Barrie

Materials (Go Facts: Physical Science)

By Rohr, Ian

Windmills (Built with a Purpose)

By "Althea", Parker, Edward, Bailey, Peter, Kent

Death and Dying: 3 (Let's Talk About)

By Sanders, P

Wheels At Work

By Andrew, Dunn

Vegetables (Get Set, Go!)

By Bastyra, Judy, Levy, Ruth, Michaels, Michael

Pathways to Literacy (Year 5/Stage 6) – At the Fair: Set A Reader (Collins Pathways S.)

By Wade, Ann, Moore, Maggie

What Can You See? Key Stage 1: Small Book (PELICAN BIG BOOKS)

By Wendy Body, Body, Wendy

The Horse that Flew in the Moonlight (One, Two Three & Away!)

By McCullagh, Sheila

Cowboys and Pioneers (Pocket Worlds S.)

By Courtault, Martine, Matthews, S.

Pickles Sniffs it Out (Jumbo Jets)

By Morgan, Michaela, Shulman, Dee

Observing the Sky (Exploring the Universe S.)

By Stott, Carole

Barnaby at the Beach (Barnaby Bear at the Seaside Series)

By Lewis, Liz

Bread (Get Set, Go!)

By Bastyra, Judy, Levy, Ruth, Michaels, Michael

Stories & Extracts from Shakespeare Year 6 Reader 5 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

By Orme, David, Body, Wendy

Time in my Life - Autobiographical Writing, A Year 6 Teacher's Book 6 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

By Garnett, Julie, Timlin, Julia, Body, Wendy

Stories and Extracts from Shakespeare Year 6 Teacher's Book 5 (PELICAN GUIDED READING & WRITING)

By Garnett, Julie, Timlin, Julia, Body, Wendy

Living World Rainforests

By Morgan, Sally, Lalor, Pauline

Wheels, Pulleys and Levers: 5 (Old Title)

By Seller, Mick

Take One Rubbish (Take One)

Holy Books (Religious Topics)

By Mayled, Jon

Me and My Body (Bk. 1) (Eureka!)

By Webster, Stephen, Kitamura, Satoshi

Painters and Painting (Discoverers)

By Sington, Adrian, Ross, Tony

The Blitz: 10 (The Home Front)

By Reynoldson, Fiona

Step Into Russia (Cased)

By Martin, Fred

Mother Teresa (Life Stories)

By Jackman, Wayne

Christopher Columbus (Life Stories)

By Grimsby, Roger

Louis Braille: 21 (Life Stories)

By Burns, Peggy