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Primary School Textbooks

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Young Geographer

By Randle, Damian

A Wooden Chair (How It's Made)

By Ridley, Sarah

MFRL WEATHER (My First Reference Library)

By Brown, Julie, Robert

Animals Around Us (In Pictures)

By Averous, Pierre

If I had a dinosaur

By Dawnay, Gabby, Barrow, Alex

Pizza (Favourite Foods)

By Moses, Brian

I`m Alive: When I Eat (I'm Alive S.)

By Suhr, Mandy

Mathematics Skills: Key Stage 1 ~ Age 5 - 7(Learning Rewards)

By David Kirkby, John Haslam

Jolly Olly Octopus

By Tony Mitton, Mitton, Tony, Parker-Rees, Guy

Disasters in Nature: Flood (Cased)

By Coster, Patience

Lifting By Levers

By Andrew, Dunn

Anne Frank (Life Stories)

By Jackman, Wayne

Gandhi (Life Stories)

By Burns, Peggy, Hook, Adam

Florence Nightingale (Life Stories)

By Morgan, Nina, Rowe, Gavin

How:Invaders & Sett Lib Ed Cas (Primary History)

By Shuter, Jane, Taylor, Pat

History Topic Books: ROMANS, SAXONS, VIKINGS: Beliefs & Myths of Roman Britain (Cased)

By Martin Whittock, Whittock, Martin

Pb Winter (Seasonal Projects)

By Ralph Whitlock

Pb Spring (The Seasons)

By David Lambert

Pb Autumn (The Seasons)

By Whitlock, Ralph

Antarctica (Living World)

By Morgan, Sally, Lalor, Pauline

Rainforests (People & Places in Peril S.)

By Oldfield, Sara

101 Things to Do with Your Computer (Usborne Computer Guides)

By Gillian Doherty, Doherty, Gillian

Drugs And Medicine Drugs And Sport

By Bryan, Jenny

Need to Know: Tobacco Hardback

By Alcraft, Rob

A Young Citizen's Guide to: Central Government

By Tames, Richard

Rhinos (Jump animals)

By Baker, Lucy

Food (It's Science!)

By Hewitt, Sally

Voyages of Discovery (Exploring History S.)

By Gilmour, Ian

Art in History: Ancient Egyptian Art Hardback

By Hodge, Susie

Puppets (World Crafts)

By Doney, Meryl, Levy, Ruth, Millard, Peter