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Primary School Textbooks

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Clothes (History From Objects)

By Bryant-Mole

Toys (History from Objects)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen

In The Street (History From Objects)

By Bryant-Mole

Keeping Clean (History From Objects)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen

Breaking Free - An Anthology Of Poetry

By Hull, Robert


By Amanda Earl, Danielle Sensier, Frances Lloyd, Earl, Amanda

Journeys: 7 (Poems About)

By Earl, Amanda, Sensier, Danielle, Lloyd, Frances

Food (Poems About)

By Amanda Earl, Danielle Sensier, Frances Lloyd

Colours: 66 (Poems About)

By Amanda Earl, Danielle Sensier, Frances Lloyd

Europe's History (Into Europe)

By Elliott, Bedford, Deborah

Nature'S Secrets

By Paul, Bennett

Nature'S Secrets Nature'S Secrets

By Paul, Bennett

A Work of Art: Creative Activities Inspired by Famous Artists

By Joan Chambers, Molly Hood, Michael Peake, Michael Peake, Chambers, Joan, Hood, Molly, Peake, Michael

Belair A World of Display Art and Design – Art in Focus (Belair a World of Display PSHCE)

By Ansell, Hilary

Art through IT (Belair - A World of Display)

By Pete Worrall, Kevin Mathieson

Material Pleasures (Belair - A World of Display)

By Lillian Coppock, Andrea Heath

Design and Technology (Belair - Early Years)

By Hilary Ansell

The Maths Collection: Practical and Creative Activities in Maths for Children from Seven to Eleven

By Kathie Barrs, Paul Briten, Tony Barrs

Shape, Space and Measures (Belair - Early Years)

By Katharine Newall

Writing (Belair - Early Years)

By Jean Evans, Nancy Candlin

Number and Calculating (Belair - Early Years)

By Cherri Moseley

Starting Points in Design and Technology (Belair - A World of Display)

By Hilary Ansell, Nina Randall

Science on Display (Belair - A World of Display)

By Caroline Dale, Jennifer Steele

Storytime Topics: Traditional Tales Used as the Starting Point for Classroom Activities with Children from Five to Seven Years

By Kitching, Katie, Wansborough, Chris, Gordon, Robyn, Wansborough, Martin

Geography on Display (Belair - A World of Display)

By Claire Tinker, Jill Adam

A Century of Art (Belair - A World of Display)

By Claire Tinker

In the Picture (Belair a World of Display PSHCE)

By Chambers, Joan, Hood, Molly

Starting Points in Art (Belair - A World of Display)

By Marilyn Barnes

Numeracy on Display (Belair - A World of Display)

By Margaret Share

Art for All Seasons (Belair - A World of Display) (Belair a World of Display PSHCE)

By Marilyn Barnes, Jane Conway