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Primary School Textbooks

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Living in the Australian Outback (World Cultures)

By Jane Bingham

Living in the Sahara (World Cultures)

By Nicola Barber

North America's Most Amazing Animals (Animal Top 10s) (Animal Top Tens)

By Ganeri, Anita

Amir Khan by Harrison, Paul ( Author ) ON Aug-29-2008, Hardback

By Harrison, Paul

At the Factory (Technology at Work)

By Spilsbury, Louise

Toys (The Story of)

By Hughes, Monica

Respiration and Photosynthesis (Sci-Hi)

By Latham, Donna, KJA Artists

Unicellular Organisms (Sci-Hi)

By Kite, L. Patricia

Leaves (Read & Learn: Plants)

By Whitehouse, Patricia

Science Ethics and Controversies (Sci-Hi)

By Eve Hartman and Wendy Meshbesher

Medieval Knights (Fierce Fighters)

By Charlotte Guillain

Pirates (Legends of the Sea)

By Rebecca Rissman

101 Ways to be a Hero

By Charlotte Guillain

Mapping Earth From Space (Science Missions)

By L. Patricia Kite

Developing Flu Vaccines (Science Missions)

By Mike Graf

101 Things You Didn't Know About Your Body (101 Ways)

By Townsend, John

Getting to the Bottom of Global Warming (Graphic Expeditions)

By Terry Collins

Orangutan (A Day in the Life: Rainforest Animals)

By Anita Ganeri

Divali (Holidays and Festivals)

By Nancy Dickmann

Easter (Holidays and Festivals)

By Nancy Dickmann

Hanukkah (Holidays and Festivals)

By Nancy Dickmann

Military and Government Technology (From Fail to Win: Learning from Bad Ideas)

By Ian Graham

Who Counts the Penguins?: Working in Antarctica (Wild Work)

By Mary Meinking Chambers

Booms, Bubbles, and Busts: The Economic Cycle (The Global Marketplace)

By Barbara Hollander

Surviving in the Wilderness (Extreme Survival)

By Michael Hurley

The London Olympics 2012: An unofficial guide (The Olympics)

By Nick Hunter

High-Tech Olympics (The Olympics)

By Nick Hunter

Water Sports (Extreme Sport)

By Jim Gigliotti

Wheel Sports (Extreme Sport)

By Michael Hurley

Chile (Countries Around the World)

By Morrison, Marion, Oxford Designers and Illustrators