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Primary School Textbooks

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People at Work (Going Places)

By Taylor, Barbara, Cox, Steve, Mukhida, Zul, Matthews, Jenny

Number Puzzles (Simple Mathematics S.)

By Griffiths, Rose, Millard, Peter

Holidays (History Mysteries S.)

By Tanner, Gill, Wood, Tim, Tourret, Pat, Murray, Maggie

Babies (History Mysteries S.)

By Tanner, Gill, Wood, Tim, Tourret, Pat, Murray, Maggie

Cleaning (History Mysteries S.)

By Tanner, Gill, Wood, Tim, Tourret, Pat, Murray, Maggie

Getting Better (History Mysteries S.)

By Tanner, Gill, Wood, Tim, Tourret, Pat, Murray, Maggie

The Threes – Three Singing Pigs: Making Music with Traditional Stories

By Umansky, Kaye, Collins Music, Roberts, Sheena, Evans, Michael

Clean Air, Dirty Air (Earthwatch S.)

By Patchett, Lynne, Mathews, Jenny

Trees for Tomorrow (Earthwatch S.)

By Patchett, Lynne, Mathews, Jenny

Food for Thought (Earthwatch) (Earthwatch S.)

By Standring, Gillian, Mathews, Jenny

Waste and Recycling (Earthwatch S.)

By Taylor, Barbara, Mathews, Jenny

All the Gold in the World

By Leeson, Robert, Leplar, Anna C.

Okki-Tokki-Unga: Action Songs for Children (Songbooks)

By Sanderson, Ana, Harrop, Beatrice, McKee, David, Collins Music

Sam's Passover (Celebrations)

By Hannigan, Lynne

Dat's New Year (Celebrations)

By Smith, Linda

Is it Heavy? (Buzzwords)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen, Mukhida, Zul, Mukhida, Zul

People on Holiday (Going Places)

By Taylor, Barbara, Richardson-Jones, Tessa, Mukhida, Zul

In the Street (History Mysteries S.)

By Tanner, Gill, Wood, Tim, Murray, Maggie

Soil (See for Yourself S.)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen, Watts, Barrie

Trees (See for Yourself S.)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen, Watts, Barrie

Flowers (See for Yourself S.)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen, Watts, Barrie

Roman Fort (What Happened Here)

By McNeill, Sarah, Clements, Gillian, Murray, Maggie

Tudor Warship (What Happened Here)

By Newbery, Elizabeth, Clements, Gillian, Mary Rose Trust

Home in the Blitz (What Happened Here)

By Tolhurst, MARILYN, Clements, Gillian, Murray, Maggie

Listening to Music: Elements Age 5+: Recordings of music from different times and places with activities for listening, performing and co

By MacGregor, Helen, Roberts, Sheena, Tattersfield, Jane, Collins Music

Insects (See for Yourself) (See for Yourself S.)

By Bryant-Mole, Karen, Watts, Barrie

Portraits (Artists Workshop)

By Roundhill, Clare, King, Penny, Norton, Lindy, Millard, Peter

Stories (Artists Workshop)

By Clare Roundhill, Penny King, Norton;Lindy, Norton;Lindy

Landscapes (Artists Workshop)

By Roundhill, Clare, King, Penny, Norton, Lindy, Millard, Peter

Banana Splits: Ways into Part-singing: Music Edition (Songbooks)

By Sanderson, Ana, Sanderson, Ana, Jude, Connie, Dobson, Phil, Collins Music