books by subject
Production & Quality Control
Implementing Quality Through BS5750/ISO 9000

Achieve Total Quality

ISO 9000 Quality Systems Handbook - updated for the ISO 9001:2008 standard

Using Lean for Fast Six SIGMA Results: A Synchronized Approach

Liquid Lean

Lean for the Process Industries

Cause and Effect Lean: Lean Operations, Six Sigma and Supply Chain

Development Factory: Unlocking the Potential of Process Innovation

Root Cause Analysis and Improvement in the Healthcare Sector: A Step-by-Step Guide

Managing Quality (Institute of Management Diploma)

Diversification Strategy: How to Grow a Business by Diversifying Successfully

Product Development: An Integrated Approach

Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems

The Oliver Wight ABCD Checklist for Operational Excellence (The Oliver Wight Companies)

Quality: A Critical Introduction

Project Management: Orientation for Decision Makers

Operations Management with MyOMLab

Operations Management

Improving Productivity for Competitive Advantage: Lessons from the Best in the World (Financial Times)

Implementing Total Quality Management (Financial Times Series)

Operations Management

What is Lean Six Sigma