books by subject

Foundations of Organic Chemistry (Oxford Chemistry Primers)

From Bench to Market: The Evolution of Chemical Synthesis

Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction

Metals in the Service of Man: Eleventh Edition (Penguin Science)

Operations Management

Java Modeling In Color With UML: Enterprise Components and Process (Java Series)

Polymer Blends: v.1: Vol 1
Chemical Engineering: Particle Technology and Separation Processes v.2: Particle Technology and Separation Processes Vol 2 (Chemical Engineering S.)

What is Lean Six Sigma

Six SIGMA for Managers (Briefcase Books Series)

Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems

Store Wars: The Battle for Mindspace and Shelfspace

Polymer-Solid Interfaces: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference, Namur, Belgium, 2-6 September 1991: Proceedings of the First International Conference, Namur, Belguim, 2-6 September 1991

Product Development: An Integrated Approach

Mechanisms (GCSE Technology)

Microsoft® Visual Studio® Tips: 251 Ways to Improve Your Productivity (PRO-Developer)

RSI: Repetitive Strain Injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Conditions (Thorsons Health)

Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies (Princeton Paperbacks)

The Tombstone Imperative: The Truth About Aircraft Safety

High Output Management

Food Crops for the Future: The Development of Plant Resources

Managing Strategic Surprise: Lessons From Risk Management And Risk Assessment

Metals and Technology (Australian Technology Studies)

New Seeds and Poor People

Polymer Surfaces: From Physics to Technology

Photoreactive Polymers: The Science and Technology of Resists

New Characterization Techniques for Thin Polymer Films (Society of Plastics Engineers Monographs)

An Introduction to Macromolecular Science

The Oliver Wight ABCD Checklist for Operational Excellence (The Oliver Wight Companies)