books by subject
Professional Finance

FT Guide to Interpreting Company Reports and Accounts

Xero For Dummies

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

Political Globalization: State, Power and Social Forces

Economic and Financial Developments in Latin America

Synconomy: Adding Value in a World of Continuously Connected Business

Construction and Real Estate Dynamics

IFRSs - A Visual Approach

Nature and Wealth: Overcoming Environmental Scarcity and Inequality

Nature and Wealth: Overcoming Environmental Scarcity and Inequality

Minsky, Crisis and Development

Entrepreneurial Excellence in the Knowledge Economy: Intellectual Capital Benchmarking Systems

The Accumulation of Capital

Economic Incentives: Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Kiel, West Germany

The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance: 3 Volume Set

Consumer Culture and Personal Finance: Money Goes to Market

Multinationals in Eastern Europe

Economic Policies, Governance and the New Economics

Private Ratings, Public Regulations: Credit Rating Agencies and Global Financial Governance

From Crisis to Recovery: Old and New Challenges in Emerging Europe

Britain and European Monetary Cooperation, 1964-1979

Policy, Politics and Poverty in South Africa

Accounting at Durham Cathedral Priory: Management and Control of a Major Ecclesiastical Corporation 1083-1540

Cyprus and the Financial Crisis: The Controversial Bailout and What it Means for the Eurozone

Italian Banking and Financial Law: Intermediaries and Markets

Ethics in Banking: The Role of Moral Values and Judgements in Finance

Monetary Theory and Economic Institutions: Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association at Fiesole, Florence, Italy

The Political Economy of Microfinance: Financializing Poverty

The China Development Model: Between the State and the Market