books by subject
Professional Investment in Stocks

An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management: With Stock-Trak Coupon

Schaum's Easy Outline of Introduction to Mathematical Economics

The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, Eighth Edition (PROFESSIONAL FINANCE & INVESTM)

Beyond the Zulu Principle: Extraordinary Profits from Growth Shares

Getting Started in Chart Patterns

The Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Classic 1937 Edition

Investors Guide to Selecting Shares That Perform: Inv Gd Select Shares Perform [3rd Edition]

The Naked Trader: How Anyone Can Make Money Trading Shares by Robbie Burns, 4th edition, 2014

Investing with Anthony Bolton: The anatomy of a stock market phenomenon

Equity Valuation for Analysts and Investors: A Unique Stock Valuation Tool for Financial Statement Analysis and Model-Building (PROFESSIONAL FINANCE & INVESTM)

The Art of Execution: How the world's best investors get it wrong and still make millions in the markets

Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 1: Africa: 01

Benjamin Graham's Net-Net Stock Strategy: A practical guide to successful deep value investing in today's markets

Solutions Manual

An Introduction to Options Trading (Securities Institute)

Derivatives: Models on Models (The Wiley Finance Series)

A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-tested Strategy for Successful Investing

Day Trading For Dummies, 3rd Edition

Investing Demystified: How To Invest Without Speculation And Sleepless Nights (Financial Times Series)

Financial Times Guide to Exchange Traded Funds and Index Funds, The: How to Use Tracker Funds in Your Investment Portfolio (The FT Guides)

Stock Market: Theories and Evidence

Dot.Con: The Real Story of Why the Internet Bubble Burst

High Performance Trading: 35 Practical Strategies and Techniques To Enhance Your Trading Psychology and Performance

Getting Started in Options

Excess Returns

Deep Value Investing: Finding bargain shares with BIG potential

Mastering Derivatives Markets

How to Win in a Volatile Stock Market

Chaos Kings: how Wall Street traders make billions in the new age of crisis