books by subject
Professional Investments & Securities
Fundamentals of Investments: Valuation and Management (Int'l Ed)
A Bull in China: Investing Profitably in the World′s Greatest Market
Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry
The Economist Guide To Financial Markets 6th Edition
The Crunch: The Scandal of Northern Rock and the Escalating Credit Crisis
Analysis of Derivatives for the Cfa Program
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
International Investments: United States Edition (The Addison-Wesley Series in Finance)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Online Investing
Motley Fool : The Motley Fool's Guide To Investment Clubs
Derivative Securities
Introduction to Investments
Investments (Student Solution's Manual)
Investments (Mcgraw-Hill International Editions)
Cracking the Emerging Markets Enigma (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series)
Real Estate Investment Trusts: Structure Structure, Performance, and Investment Opportunities (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis)
Beyond the J Curve: Managing a Portfolio of Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds: 313 (The Wiley Finance Series)
Introduction to Securities and Investment
Economics After the Crisis: Objectives and Means (Lionel Robbins Lectures)
Understanding Wall Street
Pensions and Insurance on Family Breakdown
Stephen Roach on the Next Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for a New Globalization
Shortening the Securities Transaction Settlement Cycle: 17 CFR Parts 232, 240, and 275
Analysis of Investments and Management of Portfolios
Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions (Wiley Finance)
Reclaiming Liberation Theology: Desire, Market, Religion
Regulation of Securities and Futures Dealing
The South Sea Bubble (History/18th/19th Century History)
Venture Capital: The Definitive Guide for Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Practitioners