books by subject
Professional Investments & Securities

Advances in Fixed Income Valuation Modeling and Risk Management

Structured Note Markets

Consumer Credit Fundamentals

Korean Automotive Foreign Direct Investment in Europe: Effects of Economic Integration Motivations and Patterns of FDI and Industrial Location

Chinese International Investments

Household Finance: Adrift in a Sea of Red Ink

Property Valuation Principles

Investment Incentives and the Global Competition for Capital

Elites, Ideas, and the Evolution of Public Policy

Private Equity in Emerging Markets: The New Frontiers of International Finance

Impact Investment Funds for Frontier Markets in Southeast Asia: Creating a Platform for Institutional Capital, High-Quality Foreign Direct Investment, and Proactive Policy Making

Asset Pricing, Real Estate and Public Finance over the Crisis

Foreign Exchange in Practice: The New Environment

Foreign Capital Inflows to China, India and the Caribbean: Trends, Assessments and Determinants

European Capital Markets

Foreign Direct Investment

Energy Hedging in Asia: Market Structure and Trading Opportunities

Global Custody and Clearing Services

Investment Guide for EU Expansion: Support Funding, Tax and Labour Law, and Acquisition of Real Estate

Energy Risk Modeling: Applied Modeling Methods for Risk Managers

Yield Curve Modeling

Value At Risk: The New Benchmark for Controlling Derivative Risk

Mean-variance Analysis in Portfolio Choice and Capital Markets

Risk Management: Approaches for Fixed Income Markets

Time Series Analysis

Mathematics of Derivative Securities

International Investments

PEP Up Your Wealth: How to Save Tax and Make Your Money Grow

Selecting Shares That Perform - 10 Ways to Beat the Index