books by subject
Programming Languages & Tools

Perl Cookbook

Database Programming with JDBC and Java (Java S.)

JBoss 3.0 Deployment and Administration Handbook

Mastering RMI: Developing Enterprise Applications in Java and EJB

Developing Java Enterprise Applications


Object Oriented Programming (Computing programming textbooks)

Version 2 (Developing JavaBeans Using VisualAge for Java)

POJO's in Action: Developing Enterprise Applications with Lightweight Frameworks: Lightweight Frameworks for Enterprise Applications

Java Enterprise in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference (Java S.)

Java For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers))

Practical Algorithms in C++ (Coriolis Group Book)

Mastering Delphi X 3

Java & XML Data Binding

Java Data Objects

Java and SOAP: Building Web Services in Java

Foundations of Programming with PASCAL (Ellis Horwood Series in Computers and Their Applications)

Patterns in Java: v.2

Java I/O (Java S.)

Java and XML: Your Visual Blueprint for Creating Java Enhanced Web Programs (Read less - learn more)

Java Generics and Collections: Speed Up the Java Development Process

Model Driven Architecture (OMG): Applying MDA to Enterprise Computing

A Little Java, A Few Patterns (Language, Speech, & Communication)

Discovering Statistics Using R

J2EE Design Patterns

Practical Guide to the Unix System

Advanced Assembly (The Peter Norton programming library)

80386/80286 Assembly Language Programming

Microsoft Macro Assembly Bible (The Waite Group)