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Psychological Counselling

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Childwatching at Playgroup and Nursery School

By Kathy Sylva, etc.

Handbook of Interventions that Work with Children and Adolescents: Prevention and Treatment

By Paula M. Barrett (Griffith University, Australia), Thomas H. Ollendick (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA)

Cycles of Child Maltreatment: Facts, Fallacies and Interventions

By Ann Buchanan (University of Oxford, UK)

Conduct Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence

By Jonathan Hill (Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital), Barbara Maughan (Institute of Psychiatry, London)

Handbook of Adolescent Psychology

By RM Lerner

Making Residential Care Work: Structure and Culture in Children's Homes

By Elizabeth Brown, Roger Bullock, Caroline Hobson, Michael Little (all of Darlington Social Research Unit)

Antisocial Behavior by Young People: A Major New Review

By Michael Rutter (MRC Child Psychiatry Unit, London), Henri Giller, Ann Hagell

From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress

By Sharma, Ajay, Cockerill, Helen

Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages for Best Practice

By Renuka Jeyarajah Dent, Ann Hagell

Coercion and Punishment in Long-Term Perspectives

By Joan McCord (Temple University, Philadelphia)

Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Research, Assessment and Intervention

By Wendy K. Silverman (Florida International University), Philip D. A. Treffers (Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, The Netherlands)

Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil

By Paul Bloom

Christian Counseling: A Comprehensive Guide: Revised and Updated

By Collins, Gary R.

Building Self-Esteem in Children

By Patricia H. Berne, Louis M. Savary

The Simple Guide to Understanding Shame in Children: What It Is, What Helps and How to Prevent Further Stress or Trauma

By Betsy de Thierry, Emma Reeves

Personal Construct Counselling in Action

By Fay Fransella, Peggy Dalton

Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy: The Therapeutic Relationship

By David Sedgwick (Clinical psychologist in Virginia, USA)

Cognition In Children

By Usha Goswami

Conflict Resolution and Peace Education: Transformations across Disciplines

By C. Carter

Public Security in the Negotiated State: Policing in Latin America and Beyond

By Markus-Michael Muller

Defense Mechanisms in the Counseling Process

By Arthur J. Clark

The Subjectivity Of Participation: Articulating Social Work Practice with Youth in Copenhagen

By M. Nissen

Psychoanalysis and Social Involvement: Interpretation and Action

By U. Hadar

The Troubled Mind: A Handbook of Therapeutic Approaches to Psychological Distress (Professional Handbooks in Counselling and Psychotherapy)

By Churchill, Susy

Leadership Therapy: Inside the Mind of Microsoft

By Anna Rowley

Embodied Enquiry: Phenomenological Touchstones for Research, Psychotherapy and Spirituality

By L. Todres

Only-Child Experience and Adulthood

By B. Sorensen

An Outline of Piaget's Developmental Psychology (Students Library of Education)

By Beard, Ruth M.

Art, Mind, And Brain

By Howard E. Gardner

Counselling and Social Work

By Brearley