books by subject
Psychological Research

Implementing Secure Healthcare Telematics Applications in Europe - ISHTAR (Studies in Health Technology & Informatics): 66 (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics)

Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course: 3 (Life Course Research and Social Policies, 3)

Modern Psychometrics with R (Use R!)

Australia's Children's Courts Today and Tomorrow: 7 (Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research, 7)

Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality (Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research)

Developing a Questionnaire (Real world research)

Ethical Choices in Research: Managing Data, Writing Reports, and Publishing Results in the Social Sciences

Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques

Tackling Wicked Problems: Through the Transdisciplinary Imagination

Introducing Evolutionary Psychology

How To Do Research: A Psychologist's Guide

Research Tool Kit


How to Do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students in Education and Applied Social Sciences

Introduction to Phenomenology: Focus on Methodology

AQA A2 Psychology A Research Methods Workbook

The Dynamics of the Social: Selected Essays, volume 2: 002

Research Methods in Psychology

Counselling Skills for Church and Faith Community Workers

Multiple Intelligences and Leadership (Organization and Management Series)

Learning and Studying: A Research Perspective (Psychology Focus)

The Complete Guide to Writing Questionnaires: How to Get Better Information for Better Decisions

Your Psychology Project: The Essential Guide

Your Psychology Project Handbook: Becoming a Researcher

Single Case Experimental Designs

Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences, Fifth Edition

Foundations of Behavioural Research [3rd Edition]

Introducing Counselling and Psychotherapy Research

Jacques Lacan's Return to Freud: The Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary (Psychoanalytic Crosscurrents): 2 (Psychoanalytic Crosscurrents S)