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Psychological Schools of Thought

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Power Analysis of Trials with Multilevel Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)

By Moerbeek, Mirjam, Teerenstra, Steven

Revise AS Level Psychology

By Brody, Roz, Dwyer, Diana

Social Psychology (Hodder Arnold Publication)

By Pennington, Donald C., McIlveen, Rob

Working for a Doctorate: A Guide for the Humanities and Social Sciences

By Norman Graves, Ved P Varma

The Uses of Disorder: Personal Identity and City Life

By Richard Sennett

Social and Behavioural Sciences for Nurses: Psychology, Sociology and Communication for Project 2000

By Oliver Slevin, N.H. Groenman, M.A. Buckenham

Psychology GCSE Revision Guide for Edexcel

By Ali Abbas

Psychological Statistics: The Basics

By Thomas J. Faulkenberry

First Steps In Research and Statistics: A Practical Workbook for Psychology Students

By Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer

Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences

By Jacob Cohen

Case Studies in the Neuropsychology of Memory

By Alan J. Parkin

Illegal Leisure: The normalization of adolescent recreational drug use

By Judith Aldridge (University of Manchester, UK), Fiona Measham, Howard Parker (University of Manchester

Human Neuropsychology

By G. Martin

Overcoming Binge Eating: The Proven Program to Learn Why You Binge and How You Can Stop

By Christopher G. Fairburn

Pioneers of Psychology

By Raymond E. Fancher (York University), Alexandra Rutherford (York University)

Dyslexia and Mathematics

By Miles, Elaine, Tim

Game Theory: Decisions, Interaction and Evolution

By James N. Webb

The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size

By Tor Norretranders, Jonathon Sydenham

Goodbye Descartes: End of Logic and the Search for a New Cosmology of the Mind

By Keith J. Devlin

Tiny Habits: Why Starting Small Makes Lasting Change Easy

By BJ Fogg (Behaviour Scientist)


By J Rapoport

The Development of the Person: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation from Birth to Adulthood

By L. Alan Sroufe (Professor Emeritus, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota.), Byron Egeland, Elizabeth A. Carlson, W. Andrew Collins

Approaches to Psychology

By William E. Glassman

Psychology of Fear and Stress

By Jeffrey A. Gray

A Practical Guide to Behavioral Research

By Robert Sommer, Barbara Baker Sommer

Conflict: Resolution and Prevention

By John W. Burton

Gifted Lives: What Happens when Gifted Children Grow Up

By Joan Freeman (Psychologist in Private Practice, UK)

Head Injury: A Practical Guide (Speechmark Editions)

By Powell, Trevor

Introduction to Neuropsychotherapy: Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Neurological and Neuropsychiatric Patients Throughout the Lifespan

By Ritva Laaksonen, Mervi Ranta (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)

Intimate Behaviour

By Desmond Morris