books by subject
Psychology & Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders: 24 (Issues for the Nineties S.)

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obesity: A Clinician's Guide

Body Positive Power: How to stop dieting, make peace with your body and live

Why Weight?: A Workbook for Ending Compulsive Eating

Body Image: v. 24 (Issues for the Nineties S.)

Anorexia and other Eating Disorders: how to help your child eat well and be well: Practical solutions, compassionate communication tools and emotional ... support for parents of children and teenag...

Ogden Psychology of Eating Healthy: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior

Eating Disorders and Obesity, Second Edition: A Comprehensive Handbook

Feeding the Empty Heart: Adult Children and Compulsive Eating

Fat Is A Feminist Issue

Skills-based Learning for Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Method

Eating Disorder Recovery Handbook: A Practical Guide to Long-Term Recovery

The Reading Cure: How Books Restored My Appetite

Food Freedom Forever: Letting go of bad habits, guilt and anxiety around food by the Co-Creator of the Whole30

Overcoming Worries About Body Image and Eating: A Self-help Guide for Teenagers

Intuitive Eating

The Spaces In Between: The Story of an Eating Disorder

Treating and Preventing Obesity: An Evidence Based Review

Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Obesity: A Clinician's Guide

Reflections on Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Stories of Courage, Determination and Hope

Medical Management of Eating Disorders: A Practical Handbook for Healthcare Professionals

You Don't Understand Me: The Young Woman's Guide to Life - The Sunday Times bestseller


Understanding Eating Disorders

Winning at Weight Loss: Achieve your slimming goals, enjoy food and feel great again

Overcoming Weight Problems 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques

The Wrong Knickers - A Decade of Chaos

Self-Harm and Eating Disorders in Schools: A Guide to Whole-School Strategies and Practical Support