books by subject
Psychology & Emotions

The Happiness Industry: How the Government and Big Business Sold us Well-Being

Stumbling on Happiness

Stop Thinking, Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness (Book Artwork May Vary)

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive

The How Of Happiness: A Practical Guide to Getting The Life You Want

Happy: Why More or Less Everything is Absolutely Fine

Perception, Empathy, and Judgment: An Inquiry into the Preconditions of Moral Performance

The Psychology of Happiness: A Good Human Life

The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness

Happiness (RLE Edu K) (Routledge Library Editions: Education)

End of Mental Illness, The: How Neuroscience Is Transforming Psychiatry and Helping Prevent or Reverse Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Adhd, Addictions, Ptsd, Psychosis, Personality Disorders, and More

Feelings of Being: Phenomenology, Psychiatry and the Sense of Reality (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry) (International Perspectives in Philosophy & Psychiatry)

The Dark Side: Philosophical Reflections on the “Negative Emotions”: 25 (Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind, 25)

Violence: Our Deadly Epidemic and Its Causes

Envy And Gratitude And Other Works 1946-1963

Shame and Philosophy: An Investigation in the Philosophy of Emotions and Ethics

Conditions of Happiness

The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals

The Defeat of Solidarity: Anger and Politics in Postcommunist Europe

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values

Born for Love: Reflections on Loving

Instant Emotional Healing

Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Self-help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Emotion and Social Theory: Corporeal Reflections on the (Ir) Rational

The Worry Cure: Stop worrying and start living

Law and Happiness

The Optimistic Child: A Proven Program to Safeguard Children Against Depression and Build Lifelong Resilience

Vier vragen die je leven veranderen: loving What Is

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook