books by subject
Psychology & Psychiatry

The Literary and Cultural Rhetoric of Victimhood: Western Europe, 1970-2005

The Concept of Literary Application: Readers' Analogies from Text to Life

Joyce and the Science of Rhythm

Spaces of Modern Theology: Geography and Power in Schleiermacher's World

A Conservative Walks Into a Bar: The Politics of Political Humor

Theory of Mind and Science Fiction

Psychoanalytic Accounts of Consuming Desire: Hearts of Darkness

Neurology and Literature, 1860-1920

Modernism and Charisma

Chinese Modernity and the Individual Psyche

Family and Intimate Mobilities

Social Development: The Developmental Perspective in Social Welfare

Single Case Experimental Designs

The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process: Transcend Your Toughest Times

Neurocognitive Disorders in Aging

The Mechanism of Mind

Born To Be Bad (pb)

The Unspeakable Skipton

Psychology for Nurses

Annie John

The Painful Truth: The new science of why we hurt and how we can heal

When Society Becomes an Addict

Relief is in the Stretch: End Back Pain Through Yoga

Child Development: A Thematic Approach, International Edition

The Art of Midlife Stress Busting: Seven Steps to Declutter Your Mind Without Pills or Potions

My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Psychology

Assertiveness Pocketbook

Conscious Evolution: Extra-sensory Abilities for Everyday Life

Provided You Don’t Kiss Me: 20 Years with Brian Clough