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Psychology & Sexual Behaviour

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What'S Love Got to Do with it HB

By Donna, Franklin

1 available

Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving

By Betty Dodson

What Does a Woman Want? (Lacanian Clinical Field)

By Andre, Serge

It's a Guy Thing: An Owner's Manual for Women: A Owner's Manual for Women

By David Deida

The Embodied Female (Psychoanalysis and Women Series)

By Alizade, Mariam

Masculinity: Identity, Conflict and Transformation

By Steinberg, Warren

Feminine Sensuality (Psychoanalysis and Women Series)

By Mariam Alizade, Alcira

Why Do Women Love Men and Not Their Mothers?

By Hamon, Marie-Christine

Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities: Freud and Beyond

By Chodorow, Nancy J.

No-Nonsense Guide to Sexual Diversity (No-Nonsense Guides)

By Baird, Vanessa

Counselling Couples In Relationships: An Introduction to the RELATE Approach: 1 (Wiley Series in Brief Therapy & Counselling)

By Butler, Christopher

Erotic Transference and Countertransference (Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy)

By Mann, David

Setting Love in Order: Hope and Healing for the Homosexual

By Bergner, Mario

Falling in Love: Why We Choose the Lovers We Choose

By Pines, Ayala Malach

The Kinsey Institute New Report On Sex: What You Must Know to be Sexually Literate

By Reinisch, June Machover, Beasley, Ruth

Orgasmology (Next Wave: New Directions in Women's Studies)

By Jagose, Annamarie

What IS Sex? (Short Circuits)

By Zupancic, Alenka

The Psychology of Gender

By Eagly, Alice H., Beall, Anne E., Sternberg, Robert J.

The Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume 12: Case History of Schreber, Papers on Technique and Other Works (1911 - 1913) (The Complete Psychological Works Of Sigmund Freud, 12)

By Freud, Sigmund

Understanding Non-Monogamies (Routledge Research in Gender and Society)

By Barker, Meg, Langdridge, Darren

The Law of Desire: On Lacan’s 'Kant with Sade’ (The Palgrave Lacan Series)

By Nobus, Dany

Imagine There's No Woman: Ethics and Sublimation

By Copjec, Joan

Sexuation: SIC 3: 03 ([sic] Series)

By Salecl

Life and Death in Psychoanalysis

By Laplanche, Prof Jean

Sexuality and Psychoanalysis: Philosophical Criticisms (Figures of the Unconscious): 10

By Jens de Vleminck, Eran Dorfman

The Emptiness of the Image: Psychoanalysis and Sexual Differences

By Adams, Parveen

Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia

By Deleuze, Gilles, Guattari, Felix, Hurley, R., etc.

An Interpretation of Desire: Essays in the Study of Sexuality (Worlds of Desire: The Chicago Series on Sexuality, Gender, and Culture)

By Gagnon, John

Messages Men Hear: Constructing Masculinities: 1 (Gender, Change & Society)

By Harris, Ian M.

Brain Gender

By Hines, Melissa