books by subject
Psychology Textbooks
What We May be: Visions and Techniques of Psychosynthesis
How and Why Children Fail
Children in Our Charge: The Child's Right to Resources: 2 (Children in Charge)
Helping Children to Manage Loss: Positive Strategies for Renewal and Growth
Observation and its Application to Social Work: Rather Like Breathing
Cultural Competence in the Caring Professions
Making an Impact: Children and Domestic Violence - A Reader
Students' Mental Health Needs: Problems and Responses
Containing Anxiety in Institutions: Selected Essays, volume 1
Theatres of the Body: Psychoanalytic Approach to Psychosomatic Illness
Partisans in an Uncertain World: Psychoanalysis of Engagement
The Independent Mind in British Psychoanalysis
A Priest's Affair
An Introduction to Psychology and Counselling: Christian Perspectives and Applications
Turn Your School Round: Circle-time Approach to the Development of Self-esteem and Positive Behaviour in the Primary Staffroom, Classroom and Playground
How to Create and Develop a Thinking Classroom
Dancing Star: Inspirations to Guide and Heal
Pocket PAL: Learning Styles and Personalized Teaching (Teachers' Guide S.)
Pocket PAL: Multiple Intelligences (Pocket PAL)
Breaking Through Barriers to Boys' Achievement
The Earliest Relationship: Parents, Infants and the Drama of Early Attachment
Sincerity and Other Works: Collected Papers of Donald Meltzer
The Emotional Experience of Learning and Teaching
Exploring the Work of Donald Meltzer: A Festschrift
Working Below the Surface: The Emotional Life of Contemporary Organisations (Tavistock Clinic Series)
Sexual States of Mind (The Harris Meltzer Trust Series)
Natural Superwoman: The Survival Guide for Women with Too Much to Do
Good Grief: Experiencing Loss
Poems Of Mourning