books by subject
Psychology & Violence
Preventing Child Maltreatment through Social Support: A Critical Analysis
Child Sexual Abuse
The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment
Ghosts from the Nursery: Tracing the Roots of Violence
Sex Differences in Antisocial Behaviour: Conduct Disorder, Delinquency, and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study
An Intimate History Of Killing: Face-To-Face Killing In Twentieth-Century Warfare
Conflict Resolution and Peace Education: Transformations across Disciplines
How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved: Describes 8 Types of Dangerous Men, Gives Defense Strategies, a Red Alert Checklist for Each & Includes Stories of Successes & Failures
Brutality and Desire: War and Sexuality in Europe's Twentieth Century
The Crocodile Bird
On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society
Paper Cuts: A Memoir
Radical Feminist Therapy: Working in the Context of Violence
Trust and Betrayal in the Treatment of Child Abuse
Treating Survivors of Satanist Abuse
When Darkness Calls: The gripping first thriller in a nail-biting crime series
The July Girls: An absolutely gripping and emotional psychological thriller
Murder at Home: how our safest space is where we're most in danger
Cruel to Be Kind: Saying no can save a child's life
Overcoming Childhood Trauma 2nd Edition: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques
Blue: A Memoir - Keeping the Peace and Falling to Pieces
My Life with Murderers: Behind Bars with the World's Most Violent Men
When Kids Kill
Behind Closed Doors: The true and heart-breaking story of little Nancy, who holds the secret to a terrible crime
Bad Men: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment and Assault
Consent: A Memoir of Stolen Adolescence
A History Of British Serial Killing: The Shocking Account of Jack the Ripper, Harold Shipman and Beyond
The Serial Killers: Study in the Psychology of Violence