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Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology

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Psychology, Mental Health and Distress

By John Cromby (University of Leicester, Leicester, UK), David Harper (University of East London, London, Paula Reavey (London South Bank University

Women and the Practice of Medical Care in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800

By L. Whaley

Men of War: Masculinity and the First World War in Britain

By Jessica Meyer

Living with Jim Crow: African American Women and Memories of the Segregated South

By L. Brown, A. Valk

Brutality and Desire: War and Sexuality in Europe's Twentieth Century

By D. Herzog

Understanding Deviance: A Guide to the Sociology of Crime and Rule Breaking

By David Downes, Paul Rock

Representing Masculinity: Male Citizenship in Modern Western Culture

By S. Dudink, Karen Hagemann, A. Clark

De-Medicalizing Misery: Psychiatry, Psychology and the Human Condition

By M. Rapley, J. Moncrieff, J. Dillon

Venturing into the Bioeconomy: Professions, innovation, identity

By A. Styhre, Mats Sundgren

Embodied Enquiry: Phenomenological Touchstones for Research, Psychotherapy and Spirituality

By L. Todres

Only-Child Experience and Adulthood

By B. Sorensen

Uncommon Psychiatric Syndromes, 4Ed

By David Enoch, Hadrian Ball

Female Sexual Inversion: Same-Sex Desires in Italian and British Sexology, c. 1870-1920

By Chiara Beccalossi

Jungian and Dialogical Self Perspectives

By R. Jones, M. Morioka

Gender, Sexuality, and Syphilis in Early Modern Venice: The Disease that Came to Stay

By L. McGough

Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Volume 1

By Author M. Unknown

The Body Remembers Casebook: Unifying Methods and Models in the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD

By Babette Rothschild

Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions

By Edward P. Sarafino

Health Psychology: Biopsychosocial Interactions

By Edward P. Sarafino

Buddhist Psychology

By Caroline Brazier

Music and People with Developmental Disabilities: Music Therapy, Remedial Music Making and Musical Activities

By F W Schalkwijk

Something Sacred: Conversations, Writings, Paintings

By Mary Barnes, Ann Scott

Counselling and Social Work

By Brearley

Neurotic Styles

By David Shapiro

Principles of Intensive Psychotherapy

By Frieda Fromm-Reichmann

Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry

By Harold I. Kaplan, Benjamin Sadock

Beyond Borderline: True Stories of Recovery from Borderline Personality Disorder

By Perry D. Hoffman, Dr John G Gunderson, MD

Peta - a Feminist's Problem with Men

By Walker

Living with the Sphinx: Papers from the Women's Therapy Centre

By Sheila Ernst, Marie Maguire

Women In Therapy

By Harriet Goldhor Lerner