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Psychotherapy & Clinical Psychology

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Deviance and Medicalization: From Badness to Sickness

By Peter Conrad, Joseph W. Schneider

Borderline Personality Disorder

By Gunderson, John G.

Role of Sexual Abuse in the Etiology of Borderline Personality Disorders (Progress in Psychiatry) (Progress in Psychiatry)

By Zanarini, Mary C.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

By American Psychiatric Association

Don't Push the River (It Flows by Itself)

By Stevens, Barry

Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches to Psychotherapy

By Dryden, Windy

Clergy Retirement: Every Ending a New Beginning for Clergy, Their Family, and the Congregation (Death, Value and Meaning)

By Roberts, Daniel, Freidman, Michael

Cognitive Assessment (The Guilford clinical psychology and psychotherapy series)

By Merluzzi, Thomas V., etc.

Behaviour Modification with Women

By Blechman, Elaine A.

Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies

By Dobson

The Clinician's Guide to CBT Using Mind Over Mood, First Edition

By Padesky, Christine A., Greenberger, Dennis

Cognitive Therapy of Depression (The Guilford Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology Series)

By Aaron T. Beck, A. John Rush, Brian F. Shaw, Gary Emery

Confessions in Psychotherapy

By Hymer, Sharon

Destroying the Baby in Themselves: Why Did the Two Boys Kill James Bulger?

By Jackson, David

[ The Middle Passage From Misery to Meaning in Mid-Life ] [ THE MIDDLE PASSAGE FROM MISERY TO MEANING IN MID-LIFE ] BY Hollis, James ( AUTHOR ) Feb-01-1993 Paperback

By Hollis, James

Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery

By Hall, Lindsey, Ostroff, Monika

Puer Aeternus: A Psychological Study of the Adult Struggle with the Paradise of Childhood

By Franz, Marie-Louise Von

Magnificent Addiction: Discovering Addiction as Gateway to Healing

By Kavanaugh, Philip

Introduction to Group-Analytic Psychotherapy: Method and Principles (Maresfield Library)

By Foulkes, S.H.

Learning from Experience (Maresfield Library)

By R. Bion, Wilfred

Group Analytic Psychotherapy: Method and Principles (Maresfield Library)

By Foulkes, S.H.

Autistic Barriers in Neurotic Patients

By Tustin, Frances

The Oedipus Complex Today: Clinical Implications

By Britton, Ronald, Feldman, Michael, O'Shaughnessy, Edna, Steiner, John, Britten, O’Shaughnessy, Segal, Hanna

Psychotherapy with Severely Deprived Children (Maresfield Library)

By Boston, Mary

The Work of Hanna Segal: A Kleinian Approach to Clinical Practice

By Segal, Hanna

The Impossible Child

By Lane, David A.

The Red Book of Groups: And How to Lead Them Better

By Houston, Gaie

Spilt Milk: Perinatal Loss and Breakdown (Psychoanalytic Ideas)

By Raphael-Leff, Joan

Emotional Freedom: Techniques for dealing with emotional and physical distress

By Flint, Garry A., Craig, Gary

Recovery is my best revenge: my experience of trauma, abuse and dissociative identity disorder (Collected Essays Volumes 1 & 2)

By Carolyn Spring