books by subject

Stop Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation

Puppet: An Essay on Uncanny Life

Shadow Puppet Book

Puppets and Puppet Theatre

Fluffy Duck (LM Finger Fun)

An Introduction to Puppets and Puppet-making

Pinocchio's Progeny: Puppets, Marionettes, Automatons, and Robots in Modernist and Avant-Garde Drama (PAJ Books)

Emotions in Motion: Theatrical Puppets and Masks from Black Africa

Theatre of the Impossible: Puppet Theatre in Australia

Articulate Objects; Voice, Sculpture and Performance

Stop Motion: Craft Skills for Model Animation

Puppetry: A Reader in Theatre Practice

One Way UK Pocket Book of Object Lessons

Ventriloquism Made Easy

The Space Craft Book: 15 Things an Astronaut Can't Do Without!

Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Punch and Judy

American Puppet Modernism: Essays on the Material World in Performance

Simple Puppets from Everyday Materials

Marionettes: How to Make Them and Work Them

Hand Shadows and More Hand Shadows (Dover Children's Activity Books)

Punch and Judy: A Short History with the Original Dialogue

Hand Shadow Fun (Little Activity Books)

Puppets in Praise: A Practical Resource for Children's Ministry

The Most Excellent Book of How to be a Puppeteer (Mastercrafts)

Aspects of Puppet Theatre

Props (Readings in Theatre Practice)

Puppetry: A Reader in Theatre Practice (Readings in Theatre Practice)

Rod, Shadow and Glove: Puppets from the Little Angel Theatre

Puppet Mania!: The World's Most Incredible Puppet Making Book Ever!