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Radiological Imaging

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MRI from Picture to Proton

By Mcrobbie, Donald W., Moore, Elizabeth A., Graves, Martin J., Prince, Martin R.

Interventional Radiology Procedure Manual

By Braun MD, Michael A., Nemcek Jr. MD, Albert A., Vogelzang MD, Robert L.

Surface Anatomy for Radiographers

By McKears, D.W., Owen, R.H.

Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4e

By Spratt MA (Cantab) FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Glasg) FRCR, Jonathan D., Salkowski MD, Lonie R, Weir MB BS FRCP(Ed) FRCR, Jamie, Abrahams MBBS FRCS(ED) FRCR DO(Hon) FHEA, Peter H.

Get Through First FRCR: MCQs for the Physics Module

By Mair, Grant, Baird, Andrew, Nisbet

Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials: Expert Consult: Online and Print, 1e

By Grant MBChB BA (Oxon) MRCS FRCR, Lee A, Griffin MB ChB MD MRCS FRCR, Nyree

Radiology Review Manual

By Wolfgang Dahnert

Emergency Radiology

By Krishnam, Mayil S.

Teaching Atlas of Pediatric Imaging

By Paul Babyn

Pocket Tutor Chest X-Ray Interpretation (Pocket Tutor series)

By Darby, Michael

Geriatric Problems in General Practice: 20 (Oxford General Practice S.)

By Wilcock, G.K., etc., Gray, J.A.M., Longmore, J.M.

Pocket Atlas of Cranial Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Radiology Pocket Atlas Series)

By Atlas M.D., Scott W., Kaplan, Richard T.

Preparing the Perfect Medical CV: A comprehensive guide for Doctors and Medical Students on how to succeed in your chosen field (BPP Learning Media) (Progressing Your Medical Career): Study Text

By Vivek Sivarajan and Matt Green. Helen Douglas

Synopsis of Diseases of the Chest

By Fraser MD, Richard S., Pare MD, J. A. Peter, Robert G., P. D.

Atlas of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Anatomy

By Bradley, Mike

Vascular Diagnosis with Ultrasound: Clinical Reference with Case Studies: Vol. 1: Cerebral and Peripheral Vessels: v. 1: Clinical Reference with Case Studies Volume 1: Cerebral and Peripheral Vesse...

By Michael Hennerici

Genitourinary Imaging (Radcases Plus Q&A)

By Shailendra Chopra

Applied Radiological Anatomy for Medical Students

By Butler, Paul, Mitchell, Adam, Ellis, Harold

Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist: A Radiographic Atlas and Digital Bone Age Companion

By Gaskin, Cree M., Kahn, S. Lowell, Bertozzi, J. Christoper, Bunch, Paul M.

MRI in Practice

By Westbrook, Catherine

Computed Aided Tomography Case Histories: Brain

By Karthikeyan, D

Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Oncology (Medical Radiology)

By Jackson, Alan, Buckley, David L., Parker, Geoffrey J. M., Baert, A.L:

Fundamentals of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound,: Expert Consult- Online and Print (Fundamentals of Radiology)

By Jon A. Jacobson

Ultrasound Secrets

By Dogra MD, Vikram S., Rubens MD, Deborah J.

Abdominal Ultrasound: How, Why and When

By Bates MPhil DMU DCR, Jane A.

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: The Essentials (Greenwich Medical Media)

By Gibbon, W. W.

MRI in Practice

By Westbrook, Catherine, Kaut Roth, Carolyn, Talbot, John

Interventional MR: Techniques, methods and clinical experiences

By Jolesz, Forenc A, Young, Ian R

A Handbook of Physics for Radiologists and Radiographers

By Gifford, Derek

Teaching Atlas of Pediatric Imaging

By Paul Babyn