books by subject


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The Exam Skills Handbook: Achieving Peak Performance (Macmillan Study Skills)

By Cottrell, Stella

1 available

Huis Clos (Twentieth Century Texts)

By Gore, Keith, Sartre, Jean-Paul

1 available

England: no. 47 (COUNTRY SERIES)

By Talbot, Rob, Whiteman, Robin

1 available

Developing Technology with Farmers: A Trainer's Guide for Participatory Learning

By van Veldhuizen, Laurens, Waters-Bayer, Anne, de Zeeuw, Henk

1 available

Green Guide for Christmas: Give the Planet a Gift This Christmas

By Gavin Markham, Gavin Markham

1 available

Alternatives (Pilgrims Longman resource books)

By Baudains, Richard, Baudains, Marjorie

1 available

The Sayings of Winston Churchill (Duckworth Sayings Series)

By Churchill, Sir Winston S., Lane, J.L., Sutcliffe, J.

1 available

Peace and War

By Beitz, Charles R., Herman, Theodore

1 available

Thomas De Quincey (Writers & Their Work S.)

By Davies, Hugh Sykes

1 available

Research Methods for Social Workers

By Bell, Linda

1 available

Block 5 (Course A103)

By Havely, Cicely Palser, Hardwick, Lorna

1 available

An Introduction to the Humanities: Block 3: History, Classicism and Revolution (Course A103)

By Marwick, Arthur, Matravers, Derek

1 available

An Introduction to the Humanities: Bk. 2: Resource Book (Course A103)

By Open University Course Team

1 available

An Introduction to the Humanities: Bk.3: Resource Book (Course A103)

By Unknown

1 available

Block 1

By Harrison, C., Regan, S.

1 available

For Use with Block 6 (Bk. 4) (A103 An introduction to the humanities)

By OU Course Team

1 available

For Use with TV or Video 25v, 26v, 27v, 29v, Support Audiocassettes Ac2342, 2343 and Resource Book Four (Block 6) (An Introduction to the Humanities: ... Mainstream Culture and Counter-culture)

By Marwick, A., Moore, J., Mumm, S., Herbert, T., Richards, F., Harrison, C.

1 available

The Little Book of the Millennium

By Singer, Nicky, Singer, Jackie

1 available

Surviving Your Dissertation: A Comprehensive Guide to Content and Process

By Rudestam, Kjell Erik, Newton, Rae R.

1 available

Fiction Writing

By Berman, Jan

1 available

Youssef Chahine (World Directors)

By Ibrahim Fawal

1 available

Impressionist and Modern: The Art and Collection of Fritz Gross

By Whistler, Catherine

1 available

Media Policy and Music Activity

By Malm, Krister, Wallis, Roger

1 available

The Gaia Peace Atlas

By Barnaby, Dr. Frank, Perez de Cuellar, Javier

1 available

Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich

By Etlin, Richard A.

1 available

Skyline 2b WB: Workbook 2b

By Kate Fuscoe

EUROPE ON THE EVE OF WAR (War, Peace, & Social Change)


Documents, II: 1925-59: 002 (War, peace & social change - Europe)

By Arthur Marwick, Wendy Simpson

WAR, PEACE AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN TWE: Europe, 1900-55: Reader (War, peace & social change - Europe)


In Search of Personality: Christianity and Modern Psychology

By Peter Morea