books by subject

Research Methods for Social Workers
1 available
To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Persuading, Convincing, and Influencing Others

Food 2000: Global Policies for Sustainable Agriculture

The Wheat Trap: Bread and Underdevelopment in Nigeria (Third World books)

Abandon Affluence
The Aluminium Industry and the Third World: Multinternationals, Corporations and Underdevelopment

Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends - Annual 1986

Shaker Lane

Pioneering Television News

Harold Wilson's Cold War: The Labour Government and East-West Politics, 1964-1970 (Royal Historical Society Studies in History New Series, 67)

Cultural Imperialism: A Critical Introduction

Imagine All the People: A Conversation with the Dalai Lama on Money, Politics and Life as It Could Be

The Award Illustrated Dictionary

The World Atlas of Exploration

LAW AND MARXISM: A General Theory

Modern Small Arms: Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Famous Military Firearms from 1873 to the Present Day

Illustrated Dictionary of Building



"Punch" in the Air

Human Body (Usborne Young Scientist S.)

Dinosaurs (Spotter's Guide)


Last Supper According to Martha and Mary

The Radiant Hour: Versions of Youth in American Culture (Representing American Culture)

Coping with Stammering (Overcoming Common Problems S.)

Salamatu and Kandoni Go Missing (Citizenship, Life Skills & Responsibility)

Information Graphics

Intnl Physical Distribtn Cargo Insurance (Elements of Overseas Trade)