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Religious Groups & Communities Studies

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No Longer the Same: Religious Others and the Liberation of Christian Theology

By D. Brockman

The Theory and Practice of Islamic Terrorism: An Anthology

By M. Perry

The Catholic Church in China: 1978 to the Present

By C. Chu

Muslim Voices and Lives in the Contemporary World

By F. Trix, J. Walbridge

Moroccan Feminist Discourses

By F. Sadiqi

Islamic Sufism Unbound: Politics and Piety in Twenty-First Century Pakistan

By R. Rozehnal

God and Country?: Diverse Perspectives on Christianity and Patriotism

By M. Long, T. Wenger Sadd

Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives on the New Paradigm of Peace and War

By S. Thistlethwaite

Turkish Dynamics: Bridge Across Troubled Lands

By E. Kalaycioglu

Turkish Dynamics: Bridge Across Troubled Lands

By E. Kalaycioglu

Religious Conversion and Disaffiliation: Tracing Patterns of Change in Faith Practices

By H. Gooren

Seen and Unseen: Visual Culture, Sociology and Theology

By K. Flanagan

Religion and Ethics in a Globalizing World: Conflict, Dialogue, and Transformation

By L. Anceschi, J. Camilleri, R. Palapathwala

Self-defense in Islamic and International Law: Assessing Al-Qaeda and the Invasion of Iraq

By N. Shah

Loving the Body: Black Religious Studies and the Erotic

By D. Hopkins

The Global Resurgence of Religion and the Transformation of International Relations: The Struggle for the Soul of the Twenty-First Century

By S. Thomas

God, Guns and Israel: Britain, The First World War and the Jews in the Holy City

By Jill Hamilton

The Invisible Wall: Germans and Jews: A Personal Exploration

By Blumenthal, W. Michael

Access To History In Depth: Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

By Farmer, Alan

Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

By Max Weber, T. Parsons

Direct Sales and Direct Faith in Latin America

By P. Cahn

Pentecostalism and Prosperity: The Socio-Economics of the Global Charismatic Movement

By K. Attanasi, A. Yong

Market Power: Lordship, Society, and Economy in Medieval Catalonia (1276-1313)

By G. Milton

Islam, the West, and Tolerance: Conceiving Coexistence

By A. Tyler

The Fatigue of the Shari'a

By A. Ahmad

The Battle for the Soul: A Comparative Analysis in an Age of Doubt

By R. Crawford

Everyday Spirituality: Social and Spatial Worlds of Enchantment

By S. MacKian

Religion and the Health of the Public: Shifting the Paradigm

By G. Gunderson, J. Cochrane

After Secularism: Rethinking Religion in Global Politics

By E. Wilson

Whose God Rules?: Is the United States a Secular Nation or a Theolegal Democracy?

By N. Walker, Kenneth A. Loparo, E. Greenlee