books by subject
Religious Philosophy
Summa Contra Gentiles: Book One: God: 001
Summa Contra Gentiles: Salvation bk.4: Book 4: Salvation
Summa Contra Gentiles: Providence, Part II v. 4: 3: Book 3: Providence, Part II
Selected Writings (Penguin Classics)
God and Enchantment of Place: Reclaiming Human Experience
Christ's Resurrection in Early Christianity: and the Making of the New Testament
The Sparrow: Mary Doria Russell
The Case for God: What religion really means
Let This Mind Be in You
Defeating Darwinism By Opening Minds
Love From Heaven: Now includes a 7 day path to bring more love into your life
Knowing the Holy Spirit Through the Old Testament
Dark Night of the Soul (Dover Thrift Editions)
A Course in Miracles
God and History: Aspects of British Theology 1875-1914
The Ideal of Equality
Received Wisdom?: Reviewing the Role of Tradition in Christian Ethics
Formation of the Moral Self (Studies in Practical Theology)
Hume: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion: And Other Writings (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy)
Spirit of Truth: Biblical Assessment of the Holy Spirit and His Gifts
The Last Week: What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus's Final Days in Jerusalem
Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution (P.S.)
CSB Spurgeon Study Bible, Brown/Tan Cloth Over Board: Study Notes, Quotes, Sermons Outlines, Easy-To-Read Font
One World: The Interaction of Science and Theology
There Is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind
The Story Of God
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (Introducing Philosophy)
God in Christian Perspective