books by subject
Religious Studies Encyclopaedias

Heroes: Five Remarkable Christians Who Influenced Philip Yancey, Becky Pippert, J.I.Packer, Elisabeth Elliot and Charles Colson

Under the Same Roof: Guidelines to the Sharing of Church Buildings Act. 1969

John: Seven Signs in John's Gospel

Jonah: Reluctant Prophet, Merciful God (Heart & Mind)

The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits

JESUS AND THE GODDESS: The secret teachings of the original Christians

New Lion Handbook: The World's Religions

The Scattered Voice: Christians at Odds in the Public Square


C.S.Lewis' Case for the Christian Faith

Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus

A Popular Dictionary of Judaism

Introducing the Old Testament

A 12-Step Approach to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

The Message of 2 Peter and Jude: The Promise Of His Coming (The Bible Speaks Today New Testament)

Dictionary of the Christian Church

1 Corinthians (The People's Bible Commentaries)


The Bible a Reader's Guide: Summaries, Commentaries, Color Coding for Key Themes

The Qur'an: A Biography (BOOKS THAT SHOOK THE WORLD)

Matthew: Tyndale New Testament Commentary: No. 1

The SCM Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation

The Message of the Psalms : A Theological Commentary

Studying the Glorious Quran: Principles and Methodology

The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus

New Bible Dictionary

New Century Bible Commentary Isaiah 1-39

Divorce Recovery: Putting Yourself Back Together Again

Pockets Bible Companion