books by subject
Religious Studies History

Dreams Deferred: A Concise Guide to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and the Movement to Boycott Israel

The Bab and the Babi Community of Iran

A Divine Revelation of Hell

How Happy to Call Oneself a Turk: Provincial Newspapers and the Negotiation of a Muslim National Identity

The Hijaz: The First Islamic State

War and Religion: Europe and the Mediterranean from the First through the Twenty-first Centuries

Between Christ and Caliph: Law, Marriage, and Christian Community in Early Islam

Maimonides and the Merchants: Jewish Law and Society in the Medieval Islamic World

A Soaring Minaret: Abu Bakr al-Wasiti and the Rise of Baghdadi Sufism

Exile in the Maghreb: Jews under Islam, Sources and Documents, 997-1912

Cyprus under British Colonial Rule: Culture, Politics, and the Movement toward Union with Greece, 1878-1954

Towards A Westphalia for the Middle East

The Making of Salafism: Islamic Reform in the Twentieth Century

Aquinas on Being and Essence: A Translation and Interpretation

God's Battalions

The Real Story of Catholic History: Answering Twenty Centuries of Anti-Catholic Myths

Cambridge Platonist Spirituality

Celtic Spirituality

AD 33: The Year That Changed the World

Paul Among the People: The Apostle Reinterpreted and Reimagined in His Own Time

What Happened at Vatican II

The Order of Things

Late Medieval Mysticism of the Low Countries

Scandinavian Pietists: Spiritual Writings from 19th-Century Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland

The Message and the Book: Sacred Texts of the World's Religions

Why Christianity Must Change or Die

Early Christian Thought and the Classical Tradition

A Very Brief History of Eternity

Four Loves (C. Lewis Signature Classic) (C. S. Lewis Signature Classic)