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Renaissance History for Young Adults

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Tudor Exploration (People in the Past)

By Haydn Middleton

The National Archives: The Great Fire of London Unclassified: Secrets Revealed!

By Hunter, Nick



Guy Fawkes (British History Makers)

By Ashworth, Leon

Guy Fawkes

By Harriet Castor

Mary Queen of Scots

By Geddes & Grosset

Royal Diaries: Mary, Queen of Scots ... Without a Country

By Kathryn Lasky

Elizabeth I: The Story of the Last Tudor Queen

By Meg Harper


By b-fowke

The Stuarts: A Heroes History of

By William Webb, Les Ives



Horrible Histories Gory Stories: Tower of Terror

By Terry Deary, Martin Brown

Tudor Farmhouse

By Elizabeth Newbery

Wicked Wales: The Troublesome Tudors and the Sleazy Stuarts

By Catrin Stevens, Graham Howells

British History Makers: King Henry VIII

By Ashworth, Leon

Danger Zone: Avoid Being a Tudor Actor in Shakespeare's Theatre (The Danger Zone)

By Jacqueline Morley, Dave Antram

Danger Zone: Avoid Being in the Great Fire of London (The Danger Zone)

By Jim Pipe, David Antram

Elizabeth (My Royal Story)

By Lasky, Kathryn

Guy Fawkes (British History Makers)

By Ashworth, Leon

A Queen's Promise: A Tale of Mary, Queen of Scots (Sparks: 3)

By Kirsty White, Martin Remphry, Hamesh Alles

Plotting And Chopping: Tudors And Stuarts with a Few Gory Bits

By Scoular, Anderson

Avoid Sailing in the Spanish Armada! (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)

By John Malam, Penny Clarke, Karen Barker Smith, David Antram

The Oxford History of Britain and Ireland: Volume 3: Crown and People: 1500 - 1700 (The Young Oxford History of Britain & Ireland)

By Kelly, Rosemary

William Shakespeare and his Dramatic Acts (Horribly Famous)

By Donkin, Andrew, Goddard, Clive

History of Britain Topic Books: Henry VIII (Cased)

By Andrew Langley, Langley, Andrew, Riley, David, James, John

Avoid Sailing in the Spanish Armada! (Danger Zone)

By Malam, John, Antram, David

Mary Queen of Scots (Scotties)

By Elizabeth Douglas

Get A Life 5:Henry VIII: Bk.5 (Get a Life! S.)

By Ardagh, Philip

Anne Boleyn: The Queen Who Lost Her Head (Who Was...)

By Beatty, Laura

Tudor and Stuart Life (Snapping Turtle Guides)

By Guy, John, John Guy